Who is behind Millers Pt eviction and Botanical commercialisation?

The Liberal Party in New South Wales has despatched eviction notices to 400 long-term poor residents in the historic houses of Sydney’s colonial Millers Point and The Rocks.

These are the oldest surviving continuously inhabited urban residential precincts in Australia’s european settlement history.

And then the Liberals announce a massive commercial development of Sydney’s Royal Botanic Garden for a hotel, railway station, ferry wharf, year round entertainment sound shell stage, viewing platform, a plaza and a new shop and cafe.

Mrs Macquaries Point is set to be architecturally developed into a harbour viewing platform.

Sounds like corporate tourism. Smells like really greedy chinese tourism to overrule Sydney locals and their heritage.

Who could possibly be behind it all, whose currently in tow with the Liberal PM in Japan, South Korean and China?
