All that Bogan Gillard has in her campaign is taxpayer splurge, self-propaganda, opposition slur, fly-blown lies, inflaming and dividing and distraction from truth. Nice.
Gillard is so desperate to hang on to power that any slur conjured up by imported sleaze agent John McTernan and Gillard’s taxpayer-funded 60 media advisers, Gillard will endorse.
So should her opponent Tony Abbott happen to wear a blue tie? Attack all men with blue ties as misogynist. Labor divide and conquer core attack strategy all over.
Consistent with her narcissism trait, Gillard surrounds herself with placating feminists and subservient men. Look at Gillard’s infatuation with Emily’s List dominating political leadership, also overruling Cabinet.

Meanwhile, Gillard distracts media attention from Gillard’s encouragement of Third World economic illegal leeches flooding Australia to appease her extremist Leftist sister feminist Sarah Hanson-Young.

Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)?