Appearing in Australia’s two main fish & chip wrappers today is our logo. Proudly, it is the Eureka Flag representing Australia’s identity, independence and freedom.
This is scanned from today’s edition of The Australian, and is the best thing in it.
Ironically, the notice shows us beside the Australian Liberty Alliance, and above some bunch of jokers called the “Health Party Australia”. We note there is no logo on application for Party for Freedom because (ha ha ha) they’re not registered.
OK, we didn’t HAVE to say that, but if an Aussie sees a free ball he usually boots it. Anyway, we imagine the mailbag for the Australia Electoral Commission will need a crane to lift it with the amount of complaints we’re expecting. Of course, none of them will be successful because there are no reasonable grounds to object. So bring it on, leftards!
Eureka is the spirit of Australian nationalism and free speech. Come one and all and adore our beaut logo, designed by a champion, and brought to you by heroes of our patriotic heritage, and fought for by the original Diggers.
Australia First Party exists for Australians, no-one else. We are about the Australian national interest, our sovereignty and about a fair go for Australians, about restoring nationhood and the common wealth for Australians.
Australia First Party is NOT for foreigners, NOT for multinationals, NOT for big business, NOT for banks, NOT for unrepresentative government or their bureaucrats, NOT for union officials, NOT for mining companies, NOT for self-serving politicians, NOT for other countries (though we’ll happily assist our Kiwi cousins in need).