Nationalist Alternative new website and Facebook page

Our friends in Nationalist Alternative on July 14 2014 forwarded to us the following notification:

Nationalist Alternative advises:

 “It has been brought to our attention that unfortunately the Facebook page and group which many of our supporters have been using, is now unfortunately administered (hijacked) by non members.  Nationalist Alternative will NOT be using these groups for any purpose with the exception of redirecting supporters and members to the official page.  We believe that the admins of the pages may continue to mislead people into advertising their activities as “Nationalist Alternative” activities.  We strongly recommend that people leave the group and join the official group below and treat with suspicion any “Nationalist Alternative” events advertised on the old Facebook page, unless explicitly endorsed by us.

Any activities promoted on the non official pages are not endorsed by Nationalist Alternative, nor are any payments made to the admins of the group going to our organization.  Unfortunately, as it is easy for anyone on Facebook to mislead and represent organizations they are not actually a part of, it makes good sense for any activist to ensure they are communicating with the right people.

Our website remains the official portal of information and we reiterate that there are no other branches, divisions or sections of Nationalist Alternative which we permit to operate, without explicit endorsement on our site.”


The Nationalist Alternative Committee

Its website, and the Contact Us webpage/email, remains the only official portal of information and we reiterate that there are no other branches, divisions or sections of Nationalist Alternative which we permit to operate, without explicit endorsement on our site.

Please note that the official Nationalist Alternative Facebook page, which is titled Nationalist Alternative Australia can be found here.

The official Nationalist Alternative Facebook Group, titled Nationalist Alternative Official Facebook Group can be found here.