Citizens’ Right to Border Protection
The citizens of any nation hold an inalienable right to their national sovereignty. A nation’s citizens’ right is extended to expect and demand that their national government protect and defend their national borders from external harm; select citizens participate as the call demands.
Else if their government won’t or can’t, then the duty of national defence falls back on ordinary citizens themselves to defend their collective home; such as currently forced upon ordinary Ukrainians.
When border protection fails, vigilantism and local militia must take up the necessary vacuum to stave off invasion and preserve national integrity. But citizens shouldn’t have to. Border protection is the duty of our national government, and it needs to be held accountable to its citizens.
In Australia, our nation geographically has been naturally defensible by being an island continent relatively distant from external harm. We’ve had it easy.
Third World Migration
But the advent of global airline travel and its deliberate expansion since deregulation in 1978, which has facilitated exponential Third World migration, continues to undermine the defence and sovereignty of attractive first world nations like Australia.
The International Air Transport Association, representing 240 global airlines, in December 2012 released an industry traffic forecast showing that airlines expect to welcome some 3.6B passengers in 2016, 800M more than in 2011. IATA forecasts that the emerging economies of Asia-Pacific, Latin America and the Middle East will see the strongest passenger growth. China is expected to account for almost a quarter of new passengers as its middle class snowballs.

The UK and US are expected to cop the brunt of international arrivals from the emerging economies (223M and 200M respectively), followed by Germany (170M), Spain (130M) and France (120M).
Immigration Harm
The West is under attack from Third World immigration and its many incompatible backward cultures.
Since the advent of Kevin Rudd’s Big Australia pro-immigration scare, Australian citizens have become increasingly concerned about Australia’s lax border protection. And we have a right to be concerned..
- 200M immigrants annually, inflating house prices, and many of incompatible cultures
- 50,000 boat illegals lapping up Australian welfare
- foreign organised crime
- imported bikie gangs
- illegal drugs and contraband
- illegal hand guns flooding Sydney streets
- growing urban ethnic violence
- drive-by shootings
- gang violence
- gang rapes
- Extreme Muslim and Asian cultures pervading Australia’s secular urban society
- our police, courts and gaols overwhelmed by foreign criminality.

For six years since Rudd, Greens-Labor global socialist agenda has encouraged dangerous multiculturalism to corrode traditional Australia and unravel the protection and defence of Australia from foreign harm. Mandarin-speaking Rudd actually invited and preferenced Chinese over Australians – in immigration, education, business, property ownership, tax exclusions.
The Liberals have perpetuated the deterioration of Australian protection through their free-trade liberalisation and multinationalist agendas. Of course this Australian bashing corrosive culture dates back to Communist Whitlam.
People Smuggling
Under Rudd-Gillard-Rudd Labor, hundreds of illegal chartered fishing boats from Indonesia and Sri Lanka somehow were consistently undetected by Australia’s defence radar yet consistently arrived on an almost daily basis at Australia’s Ashmore Reef and Christmas Island in the Timor Sea.
Perhaps the $1.8 billion Jindalee Operational Radar Network actually did detect every single boat under Greens-Labor well before they entered Australian waters, but Rudd-Gillard’s secret orders to Defence (gagged under the Official Secrets Act) were to auto-receive and process them respectively to Christmas Island and Ashmore Reef. Labor’s Tanya Plibersek knows that statistically nearly all new migrants vote Leftist, all 50,000 of them.
Many people smugglers somehow have evaded ASIO despite the regular business model and methods. Infamous people smuggler, Captain Emad, (Abu Khalid) in June 2012, evaded Australian Federal Police departing Melbourne Airport for Malaysia, while his family illegally in Australia were on protection visas and welfare in Canberra.
Homegrown Jihadists
Unfortunately both persuasions in the LibLab oligarchy are more interested in staying in power than serving Australia’s national interest. Government has been blind to the growing Leftist agenda inviting more and more Muslim extremists to incubate and become radicalised within ethnic ghettos of urban Australia.
Government selectively listens to ignorant prejudice like Leftist Globalist researcher Andrew Zammit, who in 2012 concluded in an article on Leftist blog, The Conservation, that Australian intelligence should focus on imagined far-right terrorist threats. What far-right terrorist threats? What non-Left threats for that matter? Over the last ten years in Australia, Zammit can only cite one single drive-by shooting of the Canning Mosque in Perth in 2010.
Zammit plays down the hundreds of jihadist incidents. He ignores the fact that ASIO is monitoring about 150 jihadists in Australia for supporting terrorist organisations, recruiting fighters or preparing to travel overseas to fight.
Yet Zammit concludes: “While jihadism has posed the greatest threat of mass casualty terrorism to Australians this century, focusing on one threat can risk missing others. Australia has seen significant cases of far-right extremist violence, and international examples demonstrate a growing threat, showing public discussion of terrorism needs to broaden beyond jihadism.”
But there is only so much that can be blamed on global migration pressures, on misguided socialist and neoliberalist governments and Leftist media.
Yet ASIO has been found napping when in February this year, a convicted terrorist and a suspected war criminal, boarded a flight from Sydney airport to Syria using his brother’s passport. Arab ethnic Khaled Sharrouf in 2008 had been convicted of terrorism in Sydney, pleading guilty for being one of eight Arabs plotting to attack the Lucas Heights nuclear reactor in Sydney’s south. He only served one year in gaol.
Yet on December 6, 2013 Khaled Sharrouf (31) despite being under 24-hour ASIO surveillance as part of a counter-terror investigation, despite being on ASIO’s airport watchlists around the country, and having no passport in his name, walked through border security at Sydney International Airport and boarded a Kuala Lumpur flight and has since disappeared.
ASIO then hushed up the embarrassment. Worse, Sharrouf, continued to receive a taxpayer-funded disability support pension cheque of $766 a fortnight, months after arriving on the battlefields of Syria. So welfare paid for his flight and mercenary fitout.
In 2011, Sharrouf violently attacked a man at a restaurant carpark in Sydney. He associated with a former Comanchero bikie, and in 2013 his business partner Vasko Boskovski is murdered outside his home at Earlwood. In November Sharrouf is caught unlicensed by police firing a gun on a hunting trip west of Sydney.
In 2009, Islamic extremist Wissam Mahmoud Fattal was sentenced over a planned attack on Sydney’s Holsworthy Army Base.
In 2006, one of Greens Hanson-Youngs can-do-no-wrong Islamic asylum seekers from Pakistan, Faheed Khalim Lodhi, was convicted in Sydney plotting to bomb the national electricity grid or Sydney defence sites in the cause of violent jihad.
Melbourne-born Musa Cerantonio, (29) who has become an Islamic convert and preacher publicly urging others to join ‘jihad’ in Iran and Syria evaded Australia’s Federal Police fleeing to the Philippines.
Last week he was finally caught in the central Philippine city of Cebu and will be deported back to Australia on terrorism charges.
In 2012 ASIO Director-general of security, David Irvine, warned of impending “home-grown, lone wolf” terrorist attacks as a steady number of Australians head to Africa and the Middle-East for extremist training.
Over the past two years police estimate two dozen major shipments of illegal firearms destined for outlaw bikie gangs and Middle Eastern organised crime groups have slipped past Australian border security.
ASIO Resourcing
Australia’s home security vested in ASIO and the Federal Police have been found wanting at protecting Australia’s sovereignty. This is despite the hundreds of millions that Australian governments, Liberal and Labor, have thrown at them to do their job of protecting Australia – centralisation, infrastructure, state of the art tools, top graduates, global agency reach, increased powers.
In 2007, Australia’s then Liberal Prime Minister John Howard announced that Australia’s Security Intelligence Organisation was to get a new state of the art intelligence building across the lake from Parliament House in our nation’s capital. The budgeted $460M blew out to a $700M behemoth housing 2000 staff with annual running costs of $400M.

During construction, in 2011 a teenager broke in and fell nine metres onto a concrete floor, where he lay for up to 36 hours undetected. Worse, investigative media ABC Four Corners learned in May 2013 that the building’s the top-secret floor plan blueprints had been stolen from a Bovis Lend Lease construction subcontractor, Heyday Group, by Chinese computer hackers.
Technical AutoCAD documents detailing the ASIO building’s communication cable layouts, server locations and security systems had all been illegally accessed and access traced to a server in Shanghai. Des Ball, of the Australian National University’s Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, suggested the theft meant China could bug the building.
It seems to have been tit-for-tat spook payback. Back in 1995, ASIO had saturated the Chinese embassy with fibre optic bugging under the guise of a Telstra upgrade. Last year, the Chinese built a new embassy in Canberra, using only its own Chinese contractors flown in specially…’No Australians on site, could be ASIO.’ ASIO then made sure that Chinese state-owned Huwaei didn’t get Australia’s National Broadband rollout gig. So Huawei dropped its sponsorship of the local ACT Brumbies rugby union team.

Has ASIO moved on since Ben Chifley recognised the Leftist threat from Global Communism?
It has also been revealed that Chinese hackers during 2013 also hacked into Australia’s departments of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Defence, Tourism, Foreign Affairs and Trade, as well as military communications technology contractor Codan. Also last year, The Washington Post reported that Chinese military hackers had obtained blueprints and data pertaining to two dozen weapons systems including the F-35 Strike Fighter , Black Hawk Chopper, Aegis, its PATRIOT Missile system and its Navy Littoral Combat Ship. Why Research When You Can Steal?
Compromising America’s most expensive weapon in history, the F-35, may deem it be effectively useless in combat as a result. The Australian government has committed to buying 58 of them costing $12B as well as to the Littoral Combat Ship for our Navy.
When PM Rudd opened ASIO’s new headquarters in July 2013, he hoped the “grand new building” would help the agency protect Australians from security threats. Then Opposition Leader Tony Abbott remarked at the opening, saying both Liberal and Labor governments supported ASIO’s work.
“We do have real enemies, we do face real threats. Some of them are internal and they do need to be monitored,” Abbott said. Chinese nationals have become moles in finance positions with key Australian defence contractors – Thales, Raytheon, ADI, Codan, Tenix, Serco.
Yet it is ASIO chief David Irvine, who was summonded to a Sydney court to defend ASIO’s secret security assessment against Afghani people smugger, Sayed Akbar Jaffarie, who ASIO deemed posed an unacceptable risk to national security due to his links to an Indonesian people smuggling syndicate.
It seems some border protection funding ought to go to improving Australia’s laws against smugglers and their traitor-class lawyers.
In October 2013, Freedom of Information enquiries have revealed shipments by air and sea into Australia in “missed detection” reports of Australian Customs and Border Protection Service. Missed detections are reported when illegal shipments of guns, drugs and other contraband are detected after passing through customs, usually by police.
The missed firearms deliveries included a “large cache” of up to 220 Glock and Taurus handguns, imported on forged papers in up to 20 shipments of parts from Germany. The racket was discovered after police traced a number of weapons seized during investigations into a string of armed robberies.
An 88kg shipment of ice, heroin and opium is also believed to have been missed by Melbourne customs officers despite the pallet they were hidden on being X-rayed.
Thousands of guns – some broken down into 30 pieces – are being seized by Australian Customs as criminals use the internet to widen their networks. The seizures included rifles, handguns, shotguns, machineguns and parts. In Queensland, 377 guns, parts and magazines were seized, compared with 372 in Victoria, 290 in the Northern Territory, 80 in Western Australia, 15 in South Australia and three in Tasmania. In NSW, 2950 weapons were seized; the volume a symptom of Sydney’s ethnic immigration from Asian and the Middle East.
Border Surveillance
Last week, a foreign-registered private turbo-prop jet was discovered at an Australian regional airport which had been undetected by Australian authorities for two weeks. Locals at Illawarra Regional Airport, 80 km south of Sydney, said the US-registered jet mysteriously turned up at the airport.
Police investigations have subsequently revealed that the Swearingen Merlin III twin turboprop had been ferried from the United States across the Pacific to Clark Airfield in the Philippines and then on to Australia, last refuelling at Coffs Harbour before landing at the Illawarra Regional Airport on June 27.
Records show the plane to be registered to a corporation, Oregonian Aeroclub, in the Delaware city of Wilmington in the United States. It has a fuel range of 4000 km. Anyone and anything could have been on board.
ASIO’s record shows it to be a costly incompetent joke.