Across the capital cities of Australia, our children are being forced to learn in overcrowded classrooms at schools full of demountables so that foreign offspring be given not just access, but preference.
This preference is being insidiously driven by steady and deliberate government withdrawal of education funding, and the government policy and internal memos instructing our schools to seek alternative funding. This means attracting foreign students with cashed up foreign parents, who can pay up front, so that Australian schools can pay their bills, keep their quality teachers and stave-off foreclosure.
This is part of the Immigration Harm that is being inflicted upon ordinary Australians told by Canberra to just make do. It is an utter disgraceful draconian policy shared by LibLabs that demands immediate withdrawal.
The current Australian Leftist government in its rampant invitation of foreigners to replace Australians, has sucked dry all funding of Australian schools so that schools have been forced to depend as if on life-support from the upfront paid cash fees of foreign students.
Australians can thank LibLab governments from Malcolm Fraser forward for turning off taxpayer funded education and for the steady abandonment of the education imperative for Australians.
If there is any good to have come from Gough Whitlam it was to recognise education as a democratic right and free for all Australians and under Whitlam’s reign the Australian taxpayer rightly funded Australian education.
Australian Standard Classroom
But we have long since fallen from grace in education and from our once prized classless society as a result. Wealthy immigrant offspring now have the edge in Australian’s education system and in employment opportunities.
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Australian schools now are forced to betray local Australian students in favour of foreign students because the foreign students have to pay fees up front.
LibLab politicians looking at the finances call it ‘Australian Education Export‘, and all they value is the short term cash inflow.
In Sydney, the New South Wales Department of Education is copping the brunt trying to squeeze foreign students into already overpopulated schools.
Not surprisingly, Australian parents are outraged, saying their kids’ needs should be a priority.
Willoughby Girls High, Chatswood Public School, Mosman High School and Killarney Heights High School are some of those being preferenced to cash rich parents of foreign students.
In September, parents and students of those schools wrote to Premier Barry O’Farrell saying their schools are facing serious capacity issues. Last year 3793 foreign students enrolled in state public and secondary schools, the majority in Years 11 and 12, an increase of more than 70 per cent in five years.
Foreign students are enrolled in more than 260 state public schools, including 13 intensive English centres and the Intensive English High School. Fees for foreign students vary from $9500 to $13,000 per year, so it is obvious the cash lure for schools deliberately starved of government funding.
It is LibLab open door globalist agenda to maximise immigration. The foreign impost is an abject prejudiced betrayal of Australian society in favour of foreigners and their cash.
In 2011, students came from more than 59 countries with wealthy middleclass Chinese, Vietnamese and Korean the dominant users of the scheme.
Latest department statistics reveal that in 2010, Killarney Heights High School catered to 111 foreign students, Willoughby Girls High schools had 69 foreign students, while Chatswood Public School, whose year 3-6 classes are filled with 30 pupils, has 20 foreign students. Two other schools operating at well over intended capacity are Rose Bay Secondary College and Mosman High School, which have 39 and 32 foreign students respectively.
While parents praise the scheme for being beneficial by providing local children with cross-cultural opportunities, they believe foreign pupils should only be accepted after local students have been adequately accommodated.
“It is great for us to be able to have the opportunity to have foreign student in our schools, but not when it’s at the expense of local students,” Willoughby Girls P&C president Steph Croft said.
“There are schools in that list which have extreme problems. One of those schools mentioned is one that the department can’t even fit all their current students in next year. Local students should have priority in local schools.”
Co-Director of Community for local Options and Secondary Education Maggie Wojciechowska said families were outraged with the concept they claim is “education for profit”, especially in light of $1.7 billion funding cut from the education budget.
The foreign student wedge wil nect see Leftist politics demanding the curriculum change to accommodate the foreigners, their language, their culture and values.