This Blue Paper is a draft prescriptive standard for Australianness, arising out of multiple challenges to Australian values by foreign influences, by anti-Australian sentiment and by our governments kowtowing to unethical and backward cultures that are undermining Australian traditional values. This is a feeder document toward nationalist policy and subsequent draft proposed law, inviting input and debate by Australians.
Nationalist Initiatives
- Urban population density limits
- Underground electricity cabling
- Ban and cull rat-swinging residential high-rise suicide caves
- Restore the high street and pummel corporate shopping malls
- Village and town Preserve and enhance heritage character
- Treed streetscaping and pedestrianized amenity
- Developer levies in trust funds for priority local community amenity projects
- Cycle separation and safety
- Electric trucking
- Villages and towns, not subdivision, sprawl and metropolises
- Replace car-centrism with free integrated public transport – door-to-door
- Eco-housing and passive solar design
- All the above Australian made, Australian employing, and publicly owned
Supportive Precepts Linked to Evidence