by United Nationalist Australia, November 2 in 2018
‘As election time looms for Melburnians the inevitability of Labor premier Danny Andrews being re-elected emerges with it. Which also means, African crime gets re-elected.
Andrews, who just signed Victorians over to the One Belt One Road Chinese invasion initiative, so that he can accrue debt to the hungry Chinese at the cost of Australia’s security, has presided over a state in the throes of lawlessness. African crime is out of control but the state’s police commissioner and the government itself are beside themselves peddling misdirection and denials.
African “youth” fear no reprisals from the Victorian legal justice system because there seldom are any. The government is more concerned with its image as the country’s most multicultural state than it is with safeguarding its citizens from the violent acts of savage African immigrants who are here due to refugee quotas. And those quotas come about because for some reason the west has chosen to rescue these savage tribal people from their own self-made horror and import that mayhem to our own “civilised” lands.
The spate of African crimes in the state of Victoria is so incessant and relentless that African fatigue often prevents each and every outrage from being shared on social media communities concerned with the breakdown of Australian society thanks to immigration and especially immigration from incompatible races.
Barely a week goes about without reports of out of control African youths; home invasions; muggings; assaults; robberies and car-jacking in which that familiar phrase we’ve all come to cynically grin at is used when describing the suspects: “Of African appearance.”
When police respond to these incidents they adopt a “munch doughnuts” tactic until addressing 3AW in which case they make out everything is under control; reports are exaggerated; that it’s only a “few bad apples” spoiling it for a great community who love footy and are upset with the way they are being portrayed in the media.
Rubbish ‘cultural enrichment’ propaganda
The Reality
Back in 2010, Andrew Bolt reported on how the then police commissioner Simon Overland admitted that the Victorian Police was hiding the truth about the ethnic crime problem. (Read his article ‘Tell truth on ethnic crime’, of March 19 2010 in the HeraldSun newspaper – reproduced at the end of this article).
One of the most astonishing revelations in Bolt’s article, and one which cuts to the very particular insanity suffered by the virtue-signalling small ‘l’ liberals always at the centre of championing open borders concepts, was that police were loath to issue colour-specific descriptions of African offenders because describing them as ‘black’ might cause these savage criminals offence.
The logical conclusion is not to describe them as “attackers”, or detail any specifics of their crimes, in case the negative criminal associations have an undesirable impact on their future employability as brain surgeons and rocket scientists.
Professor Andrew Fraser sparked a maelstrom of globalist indignation for having the gall to name the beast in the room. In 2005, he wrote a letter to the Parramatta Sun in which he warned: “…an expanding black population is a sure-fire recipe for increases in crime, violence and a wide range of other social problems.”
He added, “The fact is that ordinary Australians are being pushed down the path to national suicide by their own political, religious and economic elites.”
Canadian-born Professor Andrew Fraser easily makes it onto UNA’s honours list!
In the ensuing row from that ‘inconvenient truth’ multiracialist apologists scrambled to bash out editorials condemning Professor Fraser; Channel 9 unleashed Ray Martin to confront him with a congenial group of church-going Africans as though this ambassadorial set were to negate the realities of African crime in much the same way a lot of bad apples spoil it for the few good ones; and academic papers were authored.
Sadly, Andrew Fraser apologised for his remarks after Sudanese man Safi Hareer complained to the Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission. Professor Fraser also drew the ire of Macquarie University when he wrote a paper advocating for a return to the White Australia Policy. That paper and others can be found here.
Professor Fraser was forced to take an early retirement package, but we shall not forget his courageous stand to state what everyone should regard as the bleeding obvious.
A typical front page from Australia’s answer to Mogadishu
The open-borders liberal-elites’ response to all of this is to blame the messenger. There is no African crime problem, they argue, it’s the inherently racist character of the media and others reporting on the situation. They’re skewing the facts, using hyperbole, and they’re overblowing a few regrettable incidents into a campaign that impugns an entire community. It’s not the African gangs that are the problem, they say, but “the racists” who vilify them. And it is these class bigots of, as Drew Fraser said, “the political, religious and economic elites” who will always win sway over Victoria; which is on one level a showcase for a de-Europeanised Australia, which is, after all, the goal of the elites.
Straight from the webpage of the Victorian Socialists. See, it’s not them, it’s us, how could they possibly be responsible for their own actions?
With such a free hand from the elites, it’s little wonder that the crime-prone gang members fear nothing, respect nothing, and aspire to nothing but the accretion of consumerist trophies. In Victoria, the crime is not that committed by so-called refugees and children of refugees, it’s to mention the crime committed by these without rationalising it away as inherently a by-product of Australia’s inherent racism.
Below is the latest from the ABC November 2 in 2018:
Police are looking for a group of 10 to 15 youths responsible for two “ugly” and “vicious” robberies on the busy St Kilda foreshore in Melbourne’s south on Thursday night.
Key points:
- Police said the offenders in both attacks were “perceived to be of African appearance” (nuh, they used Vegemite)
- Investigators are examining if a metal or wooden pole was used in the assaults
- Local council has been asked to reintroduce an alcohol ban on the St Kilda foreshore
Police said two men were punched and one had a bottle smashed over his head in separate, unprovoked assaults.
In the first attack, a man had his mobile phone stolen and was left with swelling on his face.
In the second, a 25-year-old man received cuts to his face and head and was treated by ambulance officers.
Police said the offenders involved in both attacks were “perceived to be of African appearance”.
Detective Sergeant David Schaefer condemned the assaults.
“These attacks are quite cowardly and vicious, unprovoked and really an ugly event that actually occurs in normally a peaceful location where people frequently enjoy themselves,” he said.
The attacks happened on Jacka Boulevard at about 10:00pm and police said they were investigating whether the offenders may have used either a metal or wooden pole.
Call for alcohol ban
“We’re looking for a group of males of African appearance which we believe were congregating along the foreshore last night,” he said.
“We can’t speculate as to the numbers involved but on the second assault there was anywhere up to around 10 people who were involved in that second robbery,” Detective Sergeant Schaefer said.
Police said the victims had been “enjoying the sights” of the “iconic” St Kilda foreshore.
“The first victim just decided to walk down [and] enjoy the scenes and the second male was visiting a friend down there when he was accosted by the group.”
Victoria Police Inspector Jason Kelly said he was “very disappointed in what occurred”.
“Unfortunately we’ve had a large group of youth attend and the combination of youth, alcohol and public spaces just simply doesn’t mix,” he said.
He said alcohol at the “iconic beach location” was a “recipe for disaster”.
Inspector Kelly said police were calling for a full alcohol ban along the St Kilda foreshore to be reintroduced by the City of Port Phillip Council.’
‘Tell truth on ethnic crime’
March 19, 2010 by Andrew Bolt, Herald-Sun
Journalist and Presenter Andrew Bolt on Sky News.
He also writes a column in the Herald Sun:
‘We didn’t need our police chief to finally admit this week he’s hiding the truth about our ethnic crime.
That deceit was already obvious when police last month published a bizarre appeal on their Crime Stoppers website.
They wanted your help to find a man who’d grabbed a 14-year-old schoolgirl walking on an East Brighton street and tried to drag her into a van.
Have your say at Andrew’s blog
Here’s the official police description of him: “The man is described as about 30 years old, 190cm, dark complexion, very white teeth, and short, curly black hair.”
Hmm. Dark complexion? (Vegemited?)
That could mean we must all look out for some deeply tanned Australian. Or perhaps an Italian. Or are police after an Indian, an Aboriginal or a Maori?
Answer: none of the above. In fact, the wanted man is an African, but the police were too polite to tell you for fear you might get the wrong idea, which in this case is that the man they want you to help find is actually, er, African. And that he’s not “dark complexioned” but black.
All of which means the police would rather let a potential rapist escape than trust you with his description.
But let Chief Commissioner Simon Overland justify this bizarre policy.
Asked on 3AW this week if he’d tell the public a wanted man was “black”, he waffled: “No, not necessarily. Nor would we say ‘white’.”
Yet police will say “dark complexioned”. Go figure. But I’m interrupting …
“I guess we’ve moved away from those terms because sometimes they cause offence.”
Pardon? To describe a black man as black can cause offence? Er, why?
If so, why would calling a black man “dark complexioned” instead not be offensive? Isn’t the real game being played here one of pretending to be so blind to colour that you didn’t even notice an African wasn’t an albino? Heavens, man, grow up.
If Overland is truly worried about giving offence, let him consider the offence his would-be rapist might soon cause some other woman now that police have been too polite to pass on to the public his single most obvious identifiable feature.
But Victoria Police’s refusal to be black and white about the racial identity of crooks goes far beyond not telling us any racial identifiers of wanted men other than “Caucasian”, “Asian”, “Aboriginal” and “other”.
More seriously, the force is also covering up a serious problem of ethnic crime, and is twisting what should be a discussion of our immigration policies and resettlement services into a self-flagellating and damaging discussion of how racist we are.
Overland this week was perfectly frank in conceding the police do indeed keep such truths from you:
“For offenders we do record ethnicity at the time they’re processed … (but) we don’t as a matter of course (release figures on ethnic crime rates) …
“We certainly from an intelligence point of view look at that data and when we pick up trends or issues we certainly act on that … but I’m not sure it’s appropriate to be putting that sort of information out.”
So the police do know, but won’t tell.
Let’s look at two cases where this refusal to tell the facts has seriously corrupted the public debate.
The first occurred in the 2007 federal election campaign, when the then chief commissioner, Christine Nixon, attacked the Howard government’s immigration minister, Kevin Andrews, for warning of high crime rates among Sudanese and Somali refugees.
“Those Sudanese refugees are actually under-represented in the crime statistics,” Nixon claimed, setting off a tsunami of media criticism of Andrews, who was made to seem a refugee-bashing opportunist. Even I joined in.
Only after Labor’s win did I get the police figures that nailed Nixon’s falsehood: in fact, Sudanese refugees are four times more likely to be in trouble with police than are the rest of us.
This is not unusual among badly educated and often traumatised refugees from very alien cultures.
The rate of serious crime among the Lebanese-born, many brought here as refugees in the 1970s without proper screening, is nearly double that of the rest of us, even without separating the figures for the Christians, who tend to be better educated and more lawful.
Among Vietnamese and Cambodians the crime rate is even higher.
TRUE, many refugees are law-abiding and hard-working, and they include people whom I know and admire.
But not being honest about these crime figures makes us too eager to accept refugees with backgrounds that make it harder for them to fit in.
The second example of the disastrous cost of this police cover-up is the furore over the bashing of Indian students, allegedly by white “racists”.
The police refused from the beginning to say what they clearly know – that many, if not most, of these bashings have been by members of other ethnic minorities, mainly Lebanese, Pacific Islanders, Maori and Africans.
A Victoria University study last month on the safety of international students showed this cover-up in action.
Yes, this fashionably Leftist study gave us the standard hectoring on our legendary racism, but buried deep in its pages was an astonishing admission that most of the recent bashings weren’t by white racists at all – and that only the police refused to admit it.
Read carefully to see how police dodged and blathered, and refused to even hand over statistics that would settle the argument.
“Police interviewees … suggested that without being able to draw on specific data about offenders from the Victoria Police database, they could not speak with certainty about offender profiles other than to say that they were overwhelmingly male.
“Police officers did stress, however, that anecdotal reporting suggested that where groups of offenders were responsible for assaults against international students, there was no evidence of ethnic or racial homogenisation within the groups, with the majority being mixed race, mixed-ethnicity groups of offenders across the cultural spectrum, sometimes including but definitely not limited to young male offenders of Anglo-Celtic background, and sometimes not including Anglo-background youth at all …
“(But) youth and community service providers also indicated that those who were known to be involved in crime are often relatively new arrivals to Australia themselves and had grown up in disadvantaged neighbourhoods.”
I’ll sum up: Police say the attacks on Indians can’t be blamed on ethnic gangs because they don’t keep or won’t give the statistics, and, besides, some of the gangs include an Anglo or two, or someone from some other ethnic group, so there.
Meanwhile, even social workers concede what the police can’t say straight – that the attackers are indeed often not white but newly arrived.
Nor were the police in this study hiding more than their boss does.
Last June, Overland said robberies and assaults against Indians here had soared from 1082 attacks two years ago to 1525 last financial year. But he wouldn’t release any more data, such as statistics on who was doing this bashing and stealing, because it was “subjective and open to interpretation”. Couldn’t trust you with the truth.
The result of this refusal to tell us the truth has had disastrous results.
NEWSPAPERS here and in India agreed that Indians were instead victims again of white Australian racism, and our national reputation was dragged through the mud in India.
And politicians once more promised more useless laws and campaigns to fight our alleged racism, rather than restrictions or checks on immigration from countries with a record of sending people especially likely to cause trouble.
I know I sound hard in saying that – but Overland again misled you when he this week claimed “we don’t find race to be a significant issue around offending”.
They don’t? I agree that being Anglo, Greek, Sudanese or German does not determine whether you are good or bad. And, of course, we have more home-grown ferals than ever.
But there’s no doubt immigrants from some backgrounds are much more likely to struggle here, and to cause mayhem on our streets.
Check the place of birth of our prisoners against the size of their communities here, and you’ll see the pattern clearly.
While just 0.13 per cent of all Australians are prisoners, the rate for Tongans is 0.74 per cent, for Samoans 0.64 per cent, for Fijians 0.26 per cent and for New Zealanders 0.20 per cent (and higher for Maori, who fill half of New Zealand’s jails).
And that’s after we’re supposed to have weeded out any misfits at our borders. So what better checks do we now need?
This is the kind of debate our police chiefs have refused to join. In fact, it’s a debate they’ve actively sabotaged, by releasing false figures or none at all, or refusing to admit to problems their own statistics show.
And if you doubt that, ask yourself this. If your police will not even call a black offender black, what else do they keep from you?’