This Blue Paper is a draft prescriptive standard for Australianness, arising out of multiple challenges to Australian values by foreign influences, by anti-Australian sentiment and by our governments kowtowing to unethical and backward cultures that are undermining Australian traditional values. This is a feeder document toward nationalist policy and subsequent draft proposed law, inviting input and debate by Australians.
Nationalist Initiatives
- Nationalise all criminal and civil laws into a single national legal jurisdiction
- Nationalise Australia’s entire court system under a single legal jurisdiction
- Nationalise Australia’s prison system, parole and remand system.
Australian Law Reform
- Just as Australian Consumer Law is a single national law enforced in all jurisdictions by the various jurisdictions, so to this precept ought to apply in all criminal and civil matters across the Australian nation and its territories. State laws and local council bi-laws are inherited colonial hangovers irrelevant to our nation state.
- Establish a national Citizen Civil Rights Act (Cth) to enshrine and prescribe the inalienable protection of the civil, individual and democratic rights of Australian-born citizens without discrimination or repression. This act to incorporate relevant protections within various state based rights acts concerning anti-discrimination on the basis of race, gender, disability, age, and privacy.
- The Citizen Civil Rights Act (Cth) to supersede, repeal and abolish all human rights and anti-discrimination acts in Australia at national state and local levels, so respectively repealing and abolishing the following acts, commissions and their respective commissioners:
- Nationally: Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth), Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth), Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth), Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Cth), Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Cth), Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), The Australian Human Rights Commission.
- NSW: Anti-Discrimination Act 1977, Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW
- VIC: Equal Opportunity Act 2010, Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission
- QLD: Anti-Discrimination Act 1991, Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland
- SA: Equal Opportunity Act 1984, Commissioner for Equal Opportunity
- WA: Equal Opportunity Act 1984, Equal Opportunity Commission.
- NT: Anti-Discrimination Act 1996, Northern Territory Anti-Discrimination Commission.
- ACT: Discrimination Act 1991, ACT Human Rights and Discrimination Commission.
- TAS: Anti-Discrimination Act 1998, Equal Opportunity Tasmania.
- Auto-deport any non-Citizen convicted in Australia of an indictable offence to country of departure before first arriving in Australia
- Deport all non-Citizens in Australian gaols to country of departure before first arriving in Australia
- Invest in ongoing law reform across all fields of law in discussion with relevant stakeholders
- Research the benefits of the Inquisitorial System over Australia’s current Adversarial System and facilitate ongoing public debate and changes to Australia’s legal system
- Resource and fund Legal Aid as a national public service for means-tested access by all Australian citizens
- Abolish plea bargaining in all criminal prosecutions
- Abolish parole;Just as criminality need not be rewarded
- National legislation to impose mandatory minimum 20 year custodial sentences for all serious crimes – murder, manslaughter, rape, incest, paedophilia, drug trafficking, treason, arson, armed robbery, terrorism, extortion, assault causing permanent disability, home invasion, drive by shootings, people smuggling, etc.
- Introduce national legislation to evoke the Castle Doctrine as defence of justifiable homicide
- Engage in a series of legislative reviews with relevant stakeholders to introduce law reforms across Australia.
Supportive Precepts Linked to Evidence