..condoned by Liberal-Gnats-Greens-Labor Coalition in Canberra.
Treachery defined: ‘betrayal, disloyalty, perfidy, perfidiousness, faithlessness, unfaithfulness, infidelity, bad faith, breach of trust, duplicity, deceit, deceitfulness, deception, false-heartedness, falseness, stab in the back, back-stabbing, double-dealing, untrustworthiness.’
..Sound familiar about politicians in Australia?
How about branch stacking, safe seats, gerrymanders, political donations, campaign marketing, slush funds, election promises, sloganeering, political rhetoric, preference deals, dirty tricks campaigns, Senate blocking, backflips, backstabbing, dual citizenship, corruption?
It’s hatefully anti-Australian, it’s nationhood death by a thousand cuts out of self-serving Canberra.
Australia Faces Treacherous Self-Interested Enemies Within
Click each link:
Traitors to our Nation
Privatisation is Public Theft
Trust Labor with Treachery
Offshoring is Fully Imported Scabs
Political Class Elites
Corporates deny training
Stop Exploitation by Big Business
Puppets Unfit to Govern
Outlaw Corporate Donations
Greens Leftist Zealots
Greedy Banks and Brokers Rorting
National Party Lapdogs to Libs and Multinationals
Liberal Party of Multinational Globalists
Government Incompetence & Corruption
Deviant Cultural Marxism
Major Party Stooges
ABC Fairfax joint leftist propaganda
Judges deny justice to victims
Antifa Communist Treachery
Hate Groups
Not in Australia’s Strategic Interests
Canberra a Sheltered Workshop
Liberal Party Factionalism
Corrupt Unions and Slush Funds
Dysfunctional Defence and Intelligence
Rigged Pollsters are Fake News
Economic eggs in one China basket case
Refugee Advocates Xenomania
Liberal Party Hard Right Dalek Faction
Polly Pigs in the Property Trough
Volunteering lets Canberra waste more
Liberal Party’s Pauline Hanson Faction
Fake nationalists just triflers for headlines
Adam Giles: Traitor to Australia