This Blue Paper is a draft prescriptive standard for Australianness, arising out of multiple challenges to Australian values by foreign influences, by anti-Australian sentiment and by our governments kowtowing to unethical and backward cultures that are undermining Australian traditional values. This is a feeder document toward nationalist policy and subsequent draft proposed law, inviting input and debate by Australians.
Nationalist Initiatives
- Sovereign free state inalienable rights to be enshrined into the Constitution of Australia to perpetuate Australian independence from all outside influences
- Create a Sedition Act criminalising treason and foreign influence as a form of unarmed invasion and a serious crime against the state
- Australian-born Citizens’ rights to democratic freedoms, liberty and security
- Nationalise The Castle Doctrine – the Texan “Stand Your Ground” right to protect life and personal property against home invasion, and use deadly force in the process. Stand Your Ground laws and other expanded self-defense provisions all derived from the old English common law concept that individuals have a right to defend their homes. The original “Castle Doctrine” gave individuals a right to protect their home against intruders, even if that meant using deadly force. Because they were protecting their home, courts carved out an exception to the general rule that individuals protecting themselves must first attempt to mitigate the harm, or “retreat,” so that an individual would not be forced to retreat from their own home.
Supportive Precepts Linked to Evidence