Member Application

Dear Friend,

We welcome enquiries by Australians interested in joining Australia First Party as an individual member.  We also welcome enquiries by Australians interested in financing Australia First Party in our political campaigning, in our Australian nationalist cause and helping to fund our Party’s asssociated operating expenses.

If you are interested in either individual membership and/or financing, then we welcoem you initially phoning us at our National Office in Sydney on (02) 9559 2070 to chat with us.

Our party is a registered party in New South Wales and we are organizing throughout the country to regain our Federal registration.

We can provide membership information via post if you request to:

Attention: Membership Enquiry

P.O. Box 593

Rockdale NSW 2216.


If you would like to join, please download the membership form by clicking the link below.

Print the form and complete it.  This form can be scanned and emailed back to ausfirst AT or you can post it to:


P.O. Box 593

Rockdale NSW 2216.


Our party’s membership fee (currently $30 or $15 concession) can be sent by:

      • Cheque, or
      • Money Order, or
      • Australia Post stamps, or
      • Direct Deposit Online


In the case of direct deposit online, pay to:

Australia First Party (NSW) Incorporated

IMB Bank

BSB: 641 800

Account No. 200938658

Bank Reference:  (Use your initials, surname and your postcode in that order).  (Note maximum 18 characters, so if you have a long surname, shorten it so as to still include the postcode for identification).

We have rules of membership like most political parties, and sensibly we review all applications.  Once you have successfully joined us, you will be placed in contact with the nearest local group (if you wish) and you will be placed on the relevant party email and postal lists.

Australia First Party needs your help if it is to become the nationalist movement Australia needs to win her Identity, Independence and Freedom.

If you have enquiries, you can call our contact line:  02-9559 2070.  Please leave a message and the office will return your call.

Thank you.

Dr. Jim Saleam
National President, Australia First Party

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