There I stand at a small country town market, Heathcote to be exact…items on display, business as usual,set up at 7.30, stall monies collected at about 10,told to ‘get out’ at 10.30am…WHY?
Well because I had Australian First anti-Islam brochures on my stall,was told by the Ladies Marxist auxiliary that this is a lions club event and we don’t allow politics here.
Well of course that didn’t go down to well for me.
I questioned their ‘right’ to tell me what I could and couldn’t have on my stall..remembering these brochures were free to whoever wanted them,I wasn’t spruiking at all, letting people chose,that’s democracy right?

However, I soon started my freedom call when the 4 lions club Marxist auxiliary women started on me with their do-gooding crap.
‘So u won’t help save Australians?’, I asked. ‘Bet you’d let me display save the animal brochures. That’s the trouble you people care more about fuckin animals than Australians.
So now a cop turns up and gets into deep conversation with the Bolsheviks.
I’ve already told em to stick their commo market, and so I was slowly packing up. A few Australians rallied around me at this stage trying to buy things off me. It was a bit funny.
Anyway, I front up to the huddle and they say, ‘here’s the trouble maker’.
I reply, Would u like a brochure’?.
The cop tries to tell me he’s impartial, then accuses me of being a biggot, and to judge me as if I am a leach on society…

‘Piss off’, I said.
He grabs my arm and says your under arrest….what for I ask?…swearing,’as if,bullshit, I say,let go of me this is assault’.
Another example of our ‘new freedom’?
I proceed to ignore ‘quick draw magraw‘ and continue packing up…then I look up and what do ya know,,2 more traps.
‘Can’t be to careful of an Australian armed with a pamphlet.
Fair dinkum!
This is the new freedom people?, I say. Tyranny comes in a uniform and I’m looking right at em…I was surprised at the handful of Aussies that stood with me,strangers,people doing it tuff, trying to buy something off me out of defiance,that I must say was encouraging.
Folks, I’ve been doing markets on and off for over 30 years,this is the first time and last time at Heathcote…
I encourage patriot Australians to forfeit the Heathcote market and the anti Australian Anti-freedom Lions Club..