The Australia First Party has received a threat of sorts from immigrant Stepan Kerkasharian, President of the Anti-Discrimination Board in New South Wales.
By what act of legitimacy did a foreign-born political activist gain authority in Australia to turn immigrants against Traditional Australians?
None! No foreigners shall ever usurp rights over Australians’ rights- ever!
The Kerkasharian appointment was a party-political-appeasement of the ethnic lobby groups.

It seems that the Kommissar for Korrectness is upset at a press release attributed to our candidate for Chifley, Alex Norwick.
But Mr. Kerkasharian has made demands that sum together as an act of intimidation. He has opted to attempt to restrict the Australian people’s right to free expression and free association – with the implication that he might set up the party for some sort of prosecution.
We reproduce the Kommissar’s letter herewith:
We reproduce the press release at issue. In doing so we note that Kommissar Kerkasharian as well as being the current president of the Anti-Discrimination Board of New South Wales, has a conflict of interest and possibly perceived prejudice due to his following associations:
- An ethnic Armenian who grew up in Cyprus with a twisted commitment to multiculturalism
- Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer Community Relations Commission for a multicultural NSW, formerly the Ethnic Affairs Commission
- Member, Commissioner’s Advisory Council on Culturally Responsive Policing
- A long standing political advocate for multiculturalism and pursuing greater immigration for Australia.
The Australia First Party has a general election policy of “Preference the sitting Member last.”
Our policy was adopted after the (probably corrupt) Eric Roozendaal induced Labor to adopt a negative preference policy towards Australia First Party in 2009; he then corresponded directly with the Liberal Party to do the same and they have.
This policy of the major parties grew from the ‘put One Nation last’ policy from 1998. Consequently, our policy was designed to cause discomfort for the major parties wherever we can.
The election in Chifley presents anomalies that have caused the party to vary the policy.
Mr. Norwick said:
“The social engineers of globalist Australia have created amongst many of us a strident spirit of rejectionism. I observe two things.
1. Federal Member for Chifley Mr. Husic is a fervent multiculturalist who happens to be of Bosnian Muslim origin. His ‘moderate Muslim’ rhetoric is an attempt to normalise the increase in immigration from that quarter. His enforcement of Labor policy creates a social time bomb for the future.

2. Liberal Party challenger Isabelle White is part of the Asian ethnic mafias taking over the party in parts of Western Sydney. The Liberal Party has deliberately chosen Thai-background Miss White to reflect its new anti Australian ethos. It has chosen a Filipino background candidate in Greenway.
I have decided to reject what is – and encourage people to do the same.”
Australia First Party’s campaign is developing throughout the Chifley area. More and more Australians are expressing their fury at dispossession and disenfranchisement. Australia First Party will adopt a voting policy squarely based upon race and culture.
Mr. Norwick stated:
“I can see that I must express my full contempt for multiculturalism. I find both major party candidates objectionable on the base of race and culture. I have decided to toss a coin to settle the preference matter. I will toss the coin once nominations close and I will invite local media along to attest to the honesty of the toss. Whomsoever of the two major candidates wins the toss comes in ahead of the other.
All other candidates come ahead of them.
Australia First Party avoids the hypocrisy of others who oppose the evolving globalist system to varying degrees but who refuse to reject it in public or who provide equivocal answers to hard questions. In that category we include Pauline Hanson. ”
The idea that the Anti Discrimination Board would, or could, interfere with an election campaign Needless to say, our candidate Alex Norwick cares zero what this thought-police and its jumped up boss desires of us.
We cannot help him and we will say and do as we choose. We also firmly believe in never helping government agencies in restricting the freedom of thought and action.
We are minded that Ned Kelly should inspire us at this moment. Ned himself was acritic in his day of a specific type immigration that threatened to undermine the conditions of life and labour. Ned said:
“… I tell you that highway robbery is only in its infancy, for the white populationis been [sic: being] driven out of the labour market by an inundation of Mongolians, and when the white man is driven to desperation there will be desperate times. “ (March 10th 1879).
Of course, we echo such sentiments every day in this election campaign. Alex Norwick has taken up the cause of free Australian labour against contract and other forms of cheap labour and he espouses the right of Australians to access the services and housing denied them by hordes of aliens.
We are aware too of something else Ned said about unjust authority and its penal powers: “I do not recognise your law.”