Australia First ally-group in estate windfall case

Statement of the National Council of Australia First.

|  In a stunning development, the Christian group British Israel World Federation Australia Incorporated – BIWF(A) – has appeared as an equal beneficiary in an Estate worth over twelve million dollars.

It is expected that this Estate shall take time to resolve and undoubtedly must spend time in the courts.  There already exists one sure challenge to the Will and we are advised there are now other opportunists sniffing about, tricksters who will struggle tooth and nail, for a cut of the action.

The Estate is that of Tom Macindoe, who had been a supporter of the British Israel movement for over thirty years.

He was a friend of Leon Gregor, who led the group for almost twenty years, until his untimely death in mid 2017.  Both men also formally joined Australia First Party some ten years ago, a few years after they had moved their operations from Sydney to the New South Wales country village of Ungarie.  At that earlier point they were already close friends of the Party.

Political awakening

Messrs Gregor and Macindoe had come to a particular political awakening.

In 1999- 2002, they were at the centre of another Estate matter.  A sordid gang of neo-nazi (sic) provocateurs led by a certain David Palmer, joined the old British Israel group ‘en masse’ after mid 1999, with the aim of literally stealing the proceeds.  It was then Leon and Tom met Jim Saleam and other nationalists and received crucial intelligence which helped them to expose and discredit the intruders.  Leon Gregor then managed to wind up his then-organisation which was organized as a company; through this Supreme Court process, he was able to recover the assets and exclude the crooks and set up a new British Israel entity.

The inter-relationship between the nationalists and the British Israel group developed over the years and ultimately Leon and Tom looked forward to transforming it into a proactive community based association, albeit one with a Christian flavour, which would pursue heritage defence and some grassroots political corruption issues. Tentative steps were taken to test the ground.

Since Leon Gregor’s death, the BIWF(A) has been slowly renovating an old property in Ungarie to establish a library, a meeting hall, a new version of a country theatre and an all-round location for constructive community action – the ‘Leon Gregor Centre’. Tom Macindoe assisted every step of the way.

Certainly now, the name ‘Macindoe’ will also find its honourable place.  In 2019, the group affiliated to the Australian Council of Nationalists, a fraternal union of nationalist-minded organisations.

We have been told by the BIWF(A) that other malicious forces, “some which are yet to appear in the open”, are expected to struggle hard in the hope that the BIWF(A) – “which could function as a type of ‘charity’, funding all sorts of patriotic, nationalist and community based people’s causes and campaigns and academic and other research, including Christian research” – never gets that opportunity.

Tom died with no immediate family.  His cause had become his family!

The Estate fight will be waged to success!

Special Notice:   Australia First Party is to establish a dedicated fund purposed to assist the BIWF(A) in order to fend off any legal and corrupt challenges to try to step into ‘The Macindoe Estate‘.

Donations gratefully received to:  BSB:  641800  |      Account:  200938658

Any member enquiries in the normal way.

Rest In Peace Tom Macindoe and Leon Gregor.