Members and supporters will no doubt be reflective on January 26th, Australia Day. Australia Day is the foremost celebration of cultural Australianism, originating from European Settlement Day, Pioneers Day, and Anniversary Day festivals of our pioneering era, all recognitions of our Australian…

Australia Day historic truths warrant to ‘change the day’ to a whole bloody week of festivity!

Australia Day, 26th January, flying our traditional Australian Flag, the mandatory long weekend public holiday fully paid, mandatory speaking English, whatever it’s Aussie time! Australia Day January 26 is so rock solid historically cemented in the cultural psyche of Australians that it…

Australian Victory Week from Cronulla to Kalgoorlie

This week since January 26 we are celebrating Australian Victory Week. Why the whole week?  Well, there’s just so much to celebrate – best country in the world, beach weather, leftovers, unused leave, and all da leftard froth street entertainment. Public servants…

Australian Day – ignore hateful fringe dwellers on public teat digging up constructed White guiltism

Australia’s northern coast and in 1942 we nearly lost our sovereignty to the invading Japs. Aboriginal councilman for Alice Springs, Jacinta Nampijinpa Price is looking foward to celebrating Australia Day along with millions of Australians of various backgrounds.  January 26 is a…

Yarra leftist Council divisive hate for Australia Day, invoking severance of State and Federal funding

In inner Melbourne last night, leftie Yarra Council passed a smelly motion by extremist Councillor Stephen Jolly to reject Australia Day and to sever cultural ties with Australia. Jolly, aka the ‘Red Wart’ – a disaffected commo and wannabe revulooshunry, conned 88…

QMS Media hate billboard shows hypocrisy of Labor Party in Victoria forcing barbaric islam upon Ordinary Australians

Labor Premier of Victoria, multiculturalist, multiracialist, and divisive Daniel Andrews, has abused taxpayers money to commission islamic propaganda to slur Australia Day and incite hatred against Ordinary Australians. Andrews approved a request from his meek, ring-snatching Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Robin Scott…

Historic truth: British Lieutenant James Cook discovered Australia uncivilized

Leftie universities teach crap and don’t even require foreign students to write Engrish propry and they wonder why they have their funding cut. At the University of NSW, most of their students are ethnic (25% foreign, 30% LBOTE, 20+% English speaking immigrant…