The Federal election is upon us. And we have Pauline Hanson’s One Nation (PHON) fielding 149 candidates in the 151 House of Representatives seats, along with tickets everywhere for the Senate. If the opinion polls are right, enough Aussies will give them…

XYZ – You Don’t Speak For Nationalism!

A public statement by Dr. Jim Saleam

The nationalist without nationalism website XYZ is at it again, pretending to speak for Australian nationalism. And with a clever plan!
An article published today under the penname of ‘Golem’ has a lot to say that pretty much confirms for us the snaky and dangerous quality of a group of people who wouldn’t understand Australian Nationalism, even after and by a miracle of time travel if, John Curtin, Jack Lang and Henry Lawson materialized in their ‘office’ and patiently tried to explain it to them. Let alone beat it into them.

This time, XYZ is calling for present-day nationalist leaders to come forward and set about building a “united front” and then – becoming “politically organized”. Of course, united fronts are good things, when the elements composing them are positive forces.

Patriotic reasons why NOT to vote Scomo Liberals into Government

Scomo Liberal ‘promises’ are no different to Shorten Labor’s spend thrift fest: What Debt? Scomo:  Scomo’s financial mismanagement just like under Labor.  He ignores the ballooning national debt recession risk forecast to be $629 billion in 2019/20. Scomo’s Treasurer foreign Josh Frydenberg…

The Anning Admonition: Fraser risks being swayed away from his true nationalist sentiment

August 15, 2018 has become ‘Breath of Fresh Air Day‘ for Aussie rights, for putting Aussies first, and embracing Aussie nationalism. After all we are a nation that proudly defines its nationality, its identity, by our White race, Christianity, and British-European cultural…