Gillard’s Gonski was always about more for migrants

Foreign Labor, when Gillard had misappropriated the national credit card, announced a $14.5 billion package to pour into schools with no implementation or performance plans.

Foreign migrants stood to benefit the most with $12 billion of the $14.5 billion earmarked for migrant dominated public schools.

Gonski was always simplistically and politically about a massive one-size-fits-all funding of education for media headlines; far from being democratically conceived to responsibly increase the general standard of school education for Australians.

Gonski’s outcomes were vague and then Gillard changed the vagueness to a pork barrelling re-election hollow symbolism.  Then Gillard withdrew funding and no education laws were ever enacted.  Gillard’s Gonski take was smoke and mirrors big dollars from a manipulative bitch from student socialism.

Gonski was all about getting non-English speaking migrant kids to read and write basic English, rather than investing in Australia’s own children to bring their literacy and numeracy up to world class Western standards.

Gillard’s Gonski was more appropriate to Bangladesh.  That is where the bitch should use her polly pathetic professorship, and disappear from our lives.  

I know how to pronounce hyperbowl.

Loony Gillard