Sep 6: Vote 1, Lorraine Sharp

Lorraine Sharp for Wagga Wagga CouncilOur Platform:


1 . The people’s Ombudsman

Lorraine Sharp will stand up against the good ol’ boys on Council who have wasted your funds on treason like the China Trade Centre and the Douglass Aerospace fiasco.

2. The Ice epidemic

Community and family involvement to save addicts.  Council should sponsor civil action by mass applications for Involuntary treatment via the NSW Drug And Alcohol Act 2007. The law is at:

Drive out the dealers!    Save our youth!

3. Refugees – No Refugee Welcome Zone

An end to the refugee welcome zone and its anti-Australian politics.

Time to address our internal refugee crisis – homelessness, poverty, unemployment.

4. Fix the Potholes

Audit Into road works and pay compensation for car damage as NSW law provides.

5. A new way forward

Continuing the current globalist model will be the end of Wagga Wagga as we know it.

A Council plan for community and local business development would restore prosperity and a healthy stable city.

How To Vote in Wagga 2016