Badgerys Creek (Bradfield) Airport – Tony Abbott’s infrastructure dream’in

Abbott Liberals need to realise that one ball Bazza has a tendency to sign off on projects if the cover sheet contains the word “growth”. Teddy Bear O’Farrell has a mantra: “build it and NSW will grow.”  His grasp of cost reality…

University of Sydney attacked by anarchists

Just over a year ago in the first week of March 2013, Sydney-based anarchists orchestrated a riot on the grounds of the University of Sydney. Anarchist members of Sydney Anarchists, Antifa and the hate website Slackbastard linked up with USYD staff who…

Avalon Airport condemned by Abbott to a chinese trade centre

The QANTAS Board needs to be sacked for treachery.  They stupidly rejected Australia’s smart and experienced John Borghetti for ex-Air Fungus’ cost-cutting leprechaun Alan Joyce for CEO in 2008.  Our Australian icon has withered ever since, while Borghetti has led England’s Richard…

TPG Internet and Barracuda Networks serving violent anarchists

TPG Internet has been found out misusing its market power to block personal email accounts of anyone it chooses, including a recent attempt on the Australia First Party. Investigations by our technical resources have revealed that Sydney-based TPG Internet Pty Ltd, a…

Rapes by asylum seekers continue across Western Sydney’s ethnic ghetto

Yesterday, two 16 year-old Sydney schoolgirls were gang-raped in broad daylight by three Middle Eastern men in Fairfield Park in Western Sydney. Police Superintendent Peter Lennon said the girls had skipped school in the Blacktown area to go shopping at Castle Hill,…

Morry Schwartz, The Saturday Paper didn’t take long to hit gutter anarchism

Why would a successful, wealthy, prominent Melbourne book publisher suddenly support criminal anarchists lurking down the road? Why would Morry Schwartz, established publisher of Black Inc. suddenly turn and publish a tabloid newspaper in retro-print and borrow anarchist hate scripts for the…

Islamic political terrorist attack on Sydney home

It seems not a day goes by without news of yet another nighly shooting somewhere across Sydney’s now muslim dominated ethnic west. Premier Barry O’Farrell (one-ball Bazza) with his soft crime-avoiding teddy bear approach, has emulated Muslim-luvin-Labor, allowing Sydney’s west to descend…

Offshoring Australian oil refineries undermines Australia’s fuel energy resilience

Foreign multinationals and imported foreign CEOs have an ongoing record of disloyalty towards Australia, towards Australian workers and towards Australian communities.  Recent offenders exposed in our national news media are:  QANTAS, Telstra, BHP Billiton, Alcoa, Exxon-Mobil, Ford Motor Company, General Motors, Royal…

Victorian Police investigate Melbourne Anarchists

Reports on the grapevine reveal that Victorian Police have commenced a probe into known anarchist activity in Melbourne’s shady side of politics. Heidelberg uniformed police have been approached by one James Hutchings reporting nasty online comments about him. But alas, quick online…

Slackbastard communist anarchists getting desperate

One friggen Dave Fregon, of anarchist fame yet in hypocritical anarchist style, seems to have become quite desperate of late. Friggen Dave set up @ndy as his author #1 on slackbastard. Friggen Dave Fregon’s bundy fueled ADHD mindset must really be…

Ashwyn Falkingham organised illegal squat of University of Sydney

The illegal anarchist record of Ashwyn Falkingham in Sydney has been well documented in newspapers when he organised illegal squatting at the University of Sydney. The Sydney Morning Herald reported on September 16, 2011, that riot police had to be ordered in…

Anarchist ‘Antifascist’ property damage boy confirmed as Ashwyn Falkingham

Damage carried out at the Australia First Party offices in Sydney is the responsibility of one Ashwyn Falkingham. One report says he did the recent damage himself and another advice says he commissioned another anarchist. A bicycle was used in at least…

Andyslackbastard ‘webmaster’ revealed as Dave Fregon

After the exposure last week of @andy Hutchings as ‘AndySlackbastard’ of the anarchist/terrorist Slackbastard website, the network in Australia has been further probed. It is now revealed that David (Dave) Fregon is the owner and technical officer of hate website: Slackbastard…

Harmony Day origins and truth

Since when has political propaganda been morally acceptable in primary schools? Since when has primary school curricula shifted from core educational aims of literacy, numeracy, critical thinking and science to ideology and political philosophy? Since when did young impressionable children deserve to…

O’Farrell Liberals bullying NSW public servants to relocate so developer mates can drive Sydney sprawl

New South Wales Premier Barry O’Farrell presumes NSW voters came down in the last shower.  He certainly treats Sydneysiders as mugs. No sooner has One Ball Bazza failed Thomas Kelly’s legacy by failing to enact coward punch legislation because of shoddy drafting,…

Tanya Plibersek in foreign affairs because that’s where her loyalty lies

The six year legacy of the Australian Labor Party under Rudd, Gillard, Swan, Wong, Plibersek and co. (2007-2013) was of a hateful and wasteful treatment of Australians and taxpayer wealth, while pandering and gifting to anyone foreign. So it came as no…

Slavery in Australia is wholly an ethnic crime deserving auto-deportation

It is time Australia’s Immigration Department paid the costs of the cleansing of the scum it lets in.   Australia’s Immigration allows in the scum of the Slave Third World, so it should pay for mainly New South Wales and Victorian state police’s…

Same Sex Marriage support ignores paedophile reality

Homosexual parenting has its bizarre lifestyles and teachings.  But the risks and dangers to children are very real and quite chilling.  Yet it is the dog whistle banner of civil rights equality, not the homosexual realities that The Greens and their befriended…

Australia First Party to challenge anarchist property damage and threats of violence

Australia First Party members are to undertake nightly Community Patrols of Tempe/Sydenham areas in Sydney. This decision was made in response to malicious damage ‘raids’ carried out against the party headquarters on Princes Highway by a group of anarchists connected to the…

Badgerys Creek Airport set to be owned by Macquarie Bank, just like Sydney Airport

The media-invoked feud between Liberal Treasurer Joe Hockey and Sydney Airport Holdings chairman Max Moore-Wilton over Badgerys Creek is pure polly pantomime. Max Moore-Wilton is a card-carrying Liberal. Hockey wants a second airport to stimulate his economic growth at all social costs…