An active Blue Mountains environmentalist and small-business man, Mr Steven Ridd, has repeatedly come under unfair financial attack by departments of the current New South Wales Minns Labor Government. Mr Ridd is an old Army mate of AFP’s John Hood and who…

Media Release: VOTE 1 SUSAN JAKOBI for the prosperity, heritage and cultural identity of Ballarat

The following programme will be released as a leaflet in South Ward letter-boxes in the very near future: OUR CITY MUST REMAIN IN THE HANDS OF THE BALLARAT PEOPLE, NOT IN THE GRIP OF A CORRUPT AND OPPRESSIVE CORPORATE-GOVERNMENT. As you are…

Australia Week for True Blue Aussies

Things True Blue Australians ought to consider doing this coming Australia Week, a time for celebrating and kicking back. While the big day is January 26th and this year blows in on a Sunday, Australia’s national week for the uninitiated unofficially kicks…

When ASIO comes calling – a response

by Dr. Jim Saleam and Peter Matthews. | We Australians live amidst dirty politics and it won’t change anytime soon. At this time, Australian nationalist (and some other patriotic) movements face a problem – targeting by an aggressive political police working to…

ANZ Bank runs censorship against Nick Griffin

by Dr. Jim Saleam and another. | The invitation to have Nick Griffin, Vice Chairman of the (European) Alliance For Peace And Freedom, speak in Australia hit yet another small snag – de facto censorship by the Australia New Zealand Banking Group…

Statement on the Foundation of the Australian Council of Nationalists

by Dr Jim Saleam, National President of Australia First Party | Some private supporters of the Love Australia Or Leave Party brought about a meeting with Australia First Party in Townsville in September in 2019 to discuss the formation of a fraternal…

Fairfax Anarchism (Part 5): the ASIO Shell Game

by Dr. Jim Saleam. | This is Part Five in an ongoing investigation and expose of the anarchist / Antifa movement and the strange concessions made to it by state and media forces. (NB When discussing Fairfax, the author is referring to…

Greens and other small-L ‘liberals’ need to confront the murder of Australian children rather than the ‘suffering’ of refugees

contributed. | How incredible it is that Australia is beleaguered with a serious quantum of mental illness which now impacts upon us directly in serious violent crime. Perhaps the most despicable product of this crisis is that of parents who can murder…

End the drug catastrophe on Australians

(contributed)   Australia First is committed to a return to the High Culture Values of the Vision Splendid of earlier generations, founded on work opportunities under National Self-Sufficiency/ Steady State economics, where Producerism underpins financial independence, integrity and quality of life to…

Foreign Alan Joyce’s leftist-deviant plot to destroy Australia’s heterosexual sports

Multicultural deviance is undermining traditional Australia.  Imported sexual deviant Alan Joyce is steering QANTAS sponsorship to bankrupt Australian cultural sports like rugby.  Imported fat chick Kiwi Raelene Castle is in cahoots because she just wants her All Blacks to win. Her parents…

Bank bans Party leader in civil rights shocker!

(contributed) Australia First Party President Dr. Jim Saleam has been banned from holding accounts at Westpac Bank or any of its group services in a major civil rights violation.  In a New Australian Bulletin exclusive the veteran nationalist described how the bank…

Immiscible ethnics undermine Australia’s monocultural bliss

(contributed) There can be absolutely no doubt that many years ago the honourable heads of government around the world decided to follow in Napoleon Bonaparte’s footsteps and aim for a world without boundaries. This was decided upon after the last Great War…

VOTE 1: Australia First’s Peter Schuback for the seat of Longman in QLD

  And we remind Australian voters to patriotically make their vote count, else an invalid vote is wasted.  If you are against politicians and prefer to vote anti-politics then choose Australia First Party, because we’re Australian nationalists and anti-politics. Australia First Party…

VOTE 1: Australia First’s Michael Chehoff for the seat of Swan in WA

  And we remind Australian voters to patriotically make their vote count, else an invalid vote is wasted.  If you are against politicians and prefer to vote anti-politics then choose Australia First Party, because we’re Australian nationalists and anti-politics. Australia First Party…

Australia First Party is the only political party genuinely putting Australia first!

That’s why Australia First Party is our name. Just compare the other political parties: The Liberal Party puts globalism first (supports perpetuating mass immigration demand and congestion, global trade before local business, privatisation before the national interest, the United Nation’s ‘climate change’…

“Thank You Mathias Cormann For Giving Me A National Profile”

by Dr. Jim Saleam   I must thank Liberal Cabinet Minister Mathias Cormann for a sterling endorsement! In a statement which appeared on the website editions of newspapers as diverse at the Adelaide Advertiser, the Australian and he Hobart Mercury, to radio…

Western Australia: Australia First V Pauline Hanson’s Manchurian Candidate

Michael Chehoff (above) is Australia First’s candidate for Swan in Perth, WA.  Michael’s contesting the seat in defiance of One Nation’s Tshung-Hui Chang, an imported Chinese investment banker. Desperate Pauline’s preferencing Chinese   Nice one Pauline.  Any ex-ISIS or Sudanese home invaders…

Patriotic reasons why NOT to vote for Di Natali’s Greens extremists into Government

Di Natali’s extremist neo-communist Greens agenda is to undermine and ruin Australia: Riccardo di Natali is ethnic Sicilian, where the Italian Mafia rules. Di Natali Greens are globalists, they hate traditional White Australia, so they preference last Australian patriots and nationalists; Di…

Susan Jakobi for Lalor (VIC): “I shall return quality and enjoyment of life to working people and families”

My Programme for Return of the ‘Vision Splendid Ideal’ for Working Families: – Producerism  |  Prosperity  |  Independence .   Replace the enslaving, unsustainable neo-liberal economics of Big Business, for Australianist National Self-Sufficiency economics. AUSTRALIANS TO OWN, create, grow, manufacture, build, service…

Facebook bans Australia First page admins – then interferes in the electoral process

Since March 23, 2019 Facebook has banned a number of ‘administrators’ from Facebook pages operated for Australia First Party. These bans took effect without notice in a cluster within a few hours of each other.   The most prominent party ‘admin’ banned was…

UNA: Questions surround shootings of mosques in New Zealand (Part 9) FINAL

We publish unedited, a major article written by the United Nationalists Australia media group on the Christchurch murders.  That the blogsite upon which this article was written was taken down – suggests the State reaction to simple truths and questions.  We make…

UNA: Questions surround shootings of mosques in New Zealand (Part 8)

We publish unedited, a major article written by the United Nationalists Australia media group on the Christchurch murders.  That the blogsite upon which this article was written was taken down – suggests the State reaction to simple truths and questions.  We make…

UNA: Questions surround shootings of mosques in New Zealand (Part 7)

We publish unedited, a major article written by the United Nationalists Australia media group on the Christchurch murders.  That the blogsite upon which this article was written was taken down – suggests the State reaction to simple truths and questions.  We make…