The murder on Sunday of a man in Parramatta by a gang of so-called “Islanders” says it all. It was not a crime, but an act of ethnic cleansing, a racist crime against a man, done because he was ‘white’.
“Police said the offending group, believed to be of Pacific Islander appearance, approached the victim and his two mates as they made their way to the Argyle St bus interchange to catch the bus to Windsor.
“One of the offenders produced a knife … the victim has received a stab wound to his left side,” Inspector Frank Gilroy said.
Meanwhile, police are investigating the 70th shooting in a Sydney street this year. A man in his 20s suffered a gunshot wound to the chest and arm when he was fired at in Station Rd at Auburn about 10pm on Saturday.
Forget the usual drivel about bad white folks standing over good migrants. It’s the other way around. And it’s spreading throughout Western Sydney like a cancer.
Islanders in Parramatta; Arabs in Merrylands ; Sudanese in Blacktown. On it goes. No go areas, robbery, break and enter and assault, intimidation and sexual crime.
Are all the folks from these ‘communities’ involved in it? No, of course not. However, in the depressed communities now growing with new arrivals and an economy slputtering and coughing, the crime rate is set to explode.
There is a colour (sic) to this future crime and it will not be ‘white’. Rather it will target them. We see the signs now.
Australia First Party is the party of Australians and it is the party of their identity and self defence. There is nowhere really to run. The outer suburbs of Greater Sydney are no defence-by-distance.
Australia First Party councillors will struggle might and main to ensure the safety of our people.
Western Sydney’s Ethnic Crime Ghettos:
PENRITH: FTA Full Time Addlays Based in Penrith area – Organised mass brawl at Kingswood station in late 2009 with rival Pacific Islander group. Two teenagers were hospitalised. Three alleged members charged last year with assault and robbery.
PENRITH: Bombin Local Carriages – Based in the Penrith area.
ST CLAIR: The St Clair Crew Youth group that is often seen in the public areas of St Clair.
MOUNT DRUITT: BNS Bloods Never Surrender – Consists of mainly adult men and based in Mount Druitt area.
MOUNT DRUITT: Gang Grey – The leader of this gang is believed to have started the Mount Druitt brawl on February 3 after mocking the Gee-40 boys.
MOUNT DRUITT: LFT Lads From Tonga, RSB Ruthless Shalvey Boys, SIR Soldiers In Red – Mount Druitt coalition called Mounty County.
BLACKTOWN: HS Heaven Sent- Notorious for crashing parties armed with knives and starting fights with guests in Quakers Hill, Blacktown, Marayong and Doonside. Blamed for crashing an 18th-birthday party at a community hall in July last year.
BLACKTOWN: HFC Have Fun Cleaning- A graffiti gang whose tag is ‘Have fun cleaning’. Also notorious for crashing parties in the Quakers Hill, Blacktown, Marayong and Doonside area. Allegedly chanted the letters ‘H-F-C’ during a party-crashing incident.
ROUSE HILL: Valley Boys- Based in the Rouse Hill area. Notorious during the 1970s and 80s but influence has considerably decreased.
PARRAMATTA: Parra Boyz/Asesinoz MC- Radical Middle Eastern street gang in Parramatta. Its leader is Sam ‘The Assassin’. The gang promotes anti-Australian sentiment and flag-burning and has been linked to violence and vandalism. Has links with bikie gang Notorious.
MERRYLANDS: Merrylands Boyz- Youths based in Merrylands.
GRANVILLE: CLC Crazy Little Coconuts- A gang of Pacific Islanders involved in anti-social behaviour at Granville.
GRANVILLE: Gee-40- Granville-based gang recently engaged in violent brawl with Mount Druitt crew Mounty County. Use social network sites and SMS to threaten rival gangs. Five teens who stormed Merrylands High School, armed with machetes, less than three years ago were alleged associates of Gee-40.
GRANVILLE: LL Local Lunatics and Granville Boys – Young men from the Granville area.
AUBURN (Sydney’s Muslim Mecca): Muslim Brotherhood Movement MBM has a young membership drawn from around Auburn. Allegedly involved in robbery, attempted murder and kidnapping. Karem Bulut, one of Australia’s brightest young soccer stars, is allegedly a member. The gang is exclusively Muslim and have an emblem of a red hand grenade and two handguns. Has links with the Bandidos bikie gang.
AUBURN: Brothers 4 Life – An organised adult male gang created by Bassam Hamzy, the murderer and Muslim convert, and members tattoo his name prominently on arms and legs. The gang is symbolised by two AK47 automatic rifles formed as an arch. Has links to the Muslim Brotherhood Movement.
GUILDFORD: Guildford Crypz – Middle Eastern youth gang involved in fighting and theft in the Guildford area. Have posted videos of their crimes on YouTube.
FAIRFIELD: Fairfield Boys – Group of males aged 16 to early 20s engaged in anti-social behaviour and street robbery. Numbers estimated at up to 50.
LEICHHARDT: Leichhardt Boys – Youths from Leichhardt, like many gangs, adorn belongings with the areas post code, 2044.
MOUNT DRUITT: FBI Full Blooded Islanders – Describe themselves as Islanders united as one’ and includes Samoans, Tongans, Fijians among others. Conflicting reports as to whether this gang still operates. Chapters in Newtown and Mount Druitt. They have their own branded clothing, usually green.
LIVERPOOL: Dlasthr (The Last Hour) – An Assyrian crime gang involved in shootings and murders in the city’s south west. Members wear a distinctive clenched fist tattoo on their backs together with the letters AK (Assyrian Kings). The group became less prominent after its leader Raymon Youmaran was jailed in 2006.
LIVERPOOL: M80 and Liverpool Boys – Based at Liverpool in Sydney’s southwest.
LIVERPOOL: Liverpool Bloods (Blood Brotherz) – A gang of Pacific Islander teenagers influenced by American rap culture. Have created a song called ‘Welcome to Liverpool’ and posted it on YouTube.
CAMPBELLTOWN: Miller Boys Boys who identify with the postcode 2168. Created a rap song to ‘diss’ rival gang from Campbelltown.
CAMPBELLTOWN: Claymore Boyz – Youth gang involved in graffiti and influenced by American rap culture. Have posted a song about their suburb on YouTube.
CAMPBELLTOWN: Minto Soljars – Group of males aged between 16 and 24. Involved in graffiti and assault. Became less powerful after an influential 17-year-old member was arrested and charged with the attempted murder of two security guards last year.
CAMPBELLTOWN: Dickens Road – Boyz and Girlz Involved in anti-social behaviour in Ambarvale.
CAMPBELLTOWN: C-Town – Youth gang from Campbelltown. Created a rap song to ridicule rival gang from Miller, posted it on YouTube.
But tell that to Senator Morticia !
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Addams Family Values: “We gladly feast on those who would subdue us.” |