This article sourced from United Nationalists Australia, DELUSIONAL DAVE OF THE CFMEU UNMASKED AS ANTIFA ATTACKER
‘Eyes concealed behind servo-bought eyeshades, peaked cap topping a cropped brown scalp and uniform shorts and a T-Shirt, Dave Gull consciously establishes his working-class chic. It is an identity that he wields like a crowbar.
He is so devoted to these bogan accessories that he complains of habitually losing his cap or sunnies whenever out on the turps. We guess that happens often.
Gull or Gullis as we’re informed is his real name, is a Sydney scaffolder and fanatical member of the militant CFMEU. He is a communist too and aligned with Antifascist Action Sydney. He is also a psychopath.
The intro to his Facebook page reads: “Peace, love and violent social upheaval.” This casual paradox is no jest either but the sincere expression of his extreme worldview. By his thoughts and actions, all the characteristics he attaches to imaginary ‘Nazis’ are features of his own personality. Whichever way he attempts to rationalise things, he is a stone cold criminal. Through the dogma of his chosen subculture, he seeks subjects on which to vent his delusional energies.

Just as with the African Apex Gang, or proponents of ISIS, the law offers little to deter this radicalised individual who has been fed one too many glorious tales about Che Guevara and Trotsky. Indeed, this is the sobering caveat about Gull; he is one homicide away from his true destiny.
On Thursday, December 7, at 4:30 am when most were snug in bed, Dave Gullis was amped for mayhem. Takeaway coffee in hand, which he purchased at a nearby service station, he began banging at the side gate of the Australia First Party’s Tempe headquarters. He disturbed the peace until the AFP President, Jim Saleam, was groggily forced downstairs. A busy man who catches only a regimented allotment of sleep, disturbing Jim at this hour was at best an act of rudeness. Curious what all the ruckus was about, as Jim answered the door, he was confronted by an aggressive Gull wearing a jacket and his trademark cap. His adoption of this garb was a craven attempt to dodge identification.
Thus disguised, an overwrought Gull began yelling about Jim being an “ASIO agent” and “a paedophile” and repeatedly challenged him to “fight”. Jim is in his sixties and Gull is a burly tradesman who is at least 30 years his junior. This challenge was an act of gutlessness that is in keeping with past CFMEU-member organised attacks upon our older people. Waiting till the dead of the morning was likewise a grub tactic. But it was not the last grubby deed that Gull would be guilty of that morning.
He is so devoted to these bogan accessories that he complains of habitually losing his cap or sunnies whenever out on the turps. We guess that happens often.
Gull again ranted at Jim nonsense about being an “ASIO agent” and a “paedophile” so to create the impression this was an attack by Civics. Jim fired back, “I don’t know who you are, son!”
Gull then uttered a series of unequivocal death threats before throwing the dregs of his coffee at Jim, with only a few splashes hitting their mark. Fortunately, the locked gate divided them, or Gull would have forced an intrusion. In another room, a friend of Jim’s overheard the entire exchange having been awoken too. As Jim tried figuring out if this was a raving lunatic or an organised confrontation Davey boy turned tail and fled into the night. But this was not to be his last stop. He was to save his best, and most spineless, for what would now be around 20 odd mins later when he made his way to a nearby suburb.

At 4.49 by the CCTV clock when a fellow Australian Nationalist and AFP member was asleep a thunderous banging assailed his door. In a blink, he knew who was there. There was not enough security in this building to keep him out. Gull had visited this person on the 1st of October using his eyewear and cap as a cover. Yet, after leaving Tempe he was so confident of carrying out his mission in the dark that he ditched the hat and jacket. This was very fortunate for as he pulled a firehose from beside the nationalist’s window he was being captured in joyous detail on the building’s CCTV camera system. The cameras had not been there upon his last trespass but were now fully functioning day and night — each moment and image being shared on an Internet-accessible database.
There, in the surveillance footage, Delusional Dave can be seen pumping the hose through the window and turning it on full blast.
To a brainwashed head-case like Dave, this was some sort of victory for the workers, but for the occupant, it would prove a scrabble to prevent his own electrocution. The haphazard spray, which had soaked his bedclothes, was aiming perilously close to live electrical equipment.
Gull ranted at Jim nonsense about being an “ASIO agent” and a “paedophile”. Jim fired back, “I don’t know who you are, son!”
Fully pleased with his act of blatant vandalism, itself comparable to a home invasion, Dave yelled out, “Nick Folkes sent us! This is for being a Nazi and paedophile!”
As our hero fought to shut the window on the gushing H2O and prevent his own manslaughter the would-be union assassin pushed the nozzle further in between the window jamb and the electrical equipment which sat between them creating an obstacle. Luckily curtains were helping to absorb much of the spray and forestall the consequences of spraying water onto live power cords. The floor, being tiled, offered no insulation and would have served as a conductor for the catastrophe that Dave was seeking to create. For it is highly probable that, after his last visit, Dave had conceived of this as a form of execution… and against a total stranger.

Back in Oct when he first made an egotistical exhibition of introducing himself, all-be-it behind his sunnies and cap, our nationalist friend had observed Dave snooping about outside his apartment.
Because of the nature of the area, strays occasionally wandered in where they shouldn’t, but so did those who were lost. Our hero stuck his head out the door, which was open to allow in fresh air, and sensing our friend had sussed him Dave paused on his way out. Dave half-turned and gave a serial killer’s semi-smile before flourishing his finger in a throat-slitting gesture.
“Who are you?” asked our man.
“Your worst nightmare,” Dave replied. “I’m going to kill you.”
One is accustomed to Antifa adopting a customary mode of dress, but Dave didn’t fit that image. Taken aback, our man ventured, “Why?”
“Because you’re a Nazi and a paedophile,” he responded. Then he left.
Fully pleased with his act of blatant vandalism, itself comparable to a home invasion, Dave yelled out, “Nick Folkes sent us! This is for being a Nazi and paedophile!”
Our friend was dumbfounded. Paedophile, he wondered? The Nazi comment was a direct reference to his Nationalist views but a paedophile? Then he remembered. The very day before Mike Holt, a so-called neo-Nazi had been sentenced to four years for possessing child pornography and illegal weapons. Suddenly the actions of any random are now a basis upon which to justify criminal activity against a perceived enemy of ‘the workers’. And to think, they locked Mike Holt up while this maniac was free to roam around.
There were no images to show the police that morning, but when he pondered the situation our man figured this person was linked to unions a hunch that turned out to be absolutely spot-on the mark.

Dave hooked the spraying nozzle inside the window before cutting a casual exit which, along with all his shenanigans that morning was caught on camera. But our man still had to push the nozzle away, and mop up the flood that this dangerous idiot had created. This was after rushing outside to shut off the hose all the while mindful of the spray hitting any of the active power appliances waiting to fry him.

It took the police a couple of hours to arrive that morning because they were “between shifts”. But when our man gave his account to Senior Constable Matthew Williams he was now in the better position of being able to provide an image.
Having mopped up as much of the water as he could, he rewound the footage from that morning and, in a way, this whole thing was a blessing. Water dripped from the ceiling as his clothes and possessions sat drying. Meanwhile, there, in flangrante delicto was Dave, the paedophile obsessed Commie criminal born a hundred years too late.
After running our campaign to help identify him, we have been able to supply Newtown Police with Dave’s name. Searches conducted had failed to turn up much on Dave, who has itinerant qualities about him. Yet, through a united effort, we nailed the prick.
Pinning together the events of December 7, Jim Saleam and our man figured it was linked to the Eureka Commemoration by Nationalists on December 3rd. They realised that the gooney birds of the militant union subculture and Antifa had a willing stooge in Dave to send along to do their dirty work. Dave is a total mental case and accepted the job no worries. He enjoys this sort of thing, just as the Scorpio killer liked slaying those young lovers.
The next time Dave turns up, there can be no leaving anything to chance. His reappearance must be anticipated and prepared for. If he targets you, it is better to answer a weapon’s charge rather than let this unhinged bastard indulge his Bolshevik fantasies. There are no barriers in Dave’s mentality, no borders, nothing that normal society regards as inhibitors to deviant actions. He is like the paedophile that snatches a child, or the home invader who busts in and holds a family hostage.
Dave is no revolutionary. Like most in Antifa, Dave is simply a common crim who has found a fancy way of excusing his immoral impulses. Shut the prick down before he chalks up his first kill and whiles away his days inside reinterpreting his murderous actions as the deeds of a bona fide insurgent. He is not. His enemy is not real.
Control freaks like Dave cannot be reasoned with — they can only be either locked up before they do harm or put down with the same callousness that he shows towards others.