The appointment of Julia Gillard as Prime Minister has nothing to do with a government losing its way or bad opinion polls. It was not a cosmetic exercise, but one born in the belly of the system.
Basically, the putting aside of KRudd by the Labor Party shows anyone with an inquiring mind how politics works in Australia. It is about the exercise of power and it shows that power does not reside in parliaments but with the wealthy elite and the foreign states with ‘shares’ in the safe and efficient running of Australia Inc.
The Mining Tax
The multinationals which operate in Australia pay no company tax. Fact. Via the 50 year old dual tax agreement, they pay no direct taxes. Many mining companies here are branches of the multinationals. However, KRudd set out to tax ‘Australian’ mining giants. Call it a blunder or simply a desire to balance his budget, but like the whitless Gough Whitlam who wanted to know what went on inside the American base at Pine Gap, there are some things that Australian prime ministers cannot do and are not permitted to think about.
One section of Australian capital considered that it was being asked to shoulder too much of the burden of upholding their own appointees in government . They rebelled. The billionaire mining oligarchs refused the supertax levy.
So, a government changes and Gillard ‘backs down’ to the oligarchy.
It was almost automatic.
Chinese Imperialism Had A Hand In Government Change?
It is well known that KRudd was – and is – an enthusiast for all things Chinese. The Chinese Vice President was in Canberra just at the time of the palace coup. His concern? Mining contracts. Anything that delays or frustrates the supply of cheap Australian minerals to the Chinese moloch is a threat to the increasing power of China in Australia. Chinese imperialism demands security for its investments as all imperialisms have done in history.
Australia is a resources pawn in a globalised market. Australia is competed over as foreigners stake out their claims and draw out the national wealth. The mining oligarchs, particularly the repulsive Clive Palmer, all kowtow to China which purchases ‘their’ minerals, to their profit. They targeted KRudd. Gillard now looks forward to the continuance of the boom and welcomes the increasing interest of China in Australia
It was almost automatic.
Then, It’s Israel Again
It is publicly known that Julia Gillard’s live in lover Tim Mathieson works in property development and that he is employed by the Ubertas Group. This company is the creature of Albert Dadon, founder of the Australia Israel Forum. It was this Forum that sponsored Gillard to Israel last year where she sang the Zionist line on Middle Eastern politics.
As for KRudd, he had recently committed another ‘mistake’. He had criticized Israel (an entity he really loves as the false ‘Christian’ Zionist he is) over the Gaza blockade and the Israeli state murder of Turkish civilians on vessels serving in a Gaza relief mission. Again, too much public criticism of Israel cannot be tolerated – even from a fair weather toady.
Mr Dadon is close to prominent pro-Israel Labor MP Michael Danby, who was influential in the palace coup that installed Julia Gillard as Prime Minister. The Zionist fraction of Australian Jewry looked to Danby to ensure the Australian state lines up with Israel in its terror against the Palestinians and for its position on Iran. How the Zionist worm turns in Australian politics!
The Gillard government will stay the killing course in Afghanistan. It will support Israel. It will not seek the nuclear disarmament of Israel, but it will threaten war with Iran over a peaceful nuclear energy program.
It was almost automatic.
The Population Issue Explodes
Then KRudd became a little too open in his scheme for a “big Australia” – 36 millions, 50 millions, millions. It was bad to be too free with the truth when the voters get nervous.
So, crash, bang, out goes KRudd and in comes concerned Julia who even appoints a “Sustainable Population” minister to handle immigration.
A neat package. The public is to go back to sleep.
It was almost automatic.
When We Sum It All Up…
When we put it all together Australia has no real independence and Australian politicians are creatures of whomsoever – pays! It is a rich man’s government that bends over to the foreign interest.
That there was a palace coup suggests that Australian politics will become increasingly unstable and dictatorial. We learn where power truly lies.
The Australian people’s movement for national independence must address these issues. Not just the oligarchs of the mining industry, but all the czars of money must be put aside that democracy can grow in Australia!