Jan 13: Re-registration update – message from Australia First President

by Dr. Jim Saleam, January 13, 2015


“I appreciate the few notes of encouragement from people about our Party’s re-registration.

Let me remind our members and friends here that the Party re-registration is a vital part of our strategy to unite Australian nationalists together and to build community profile and support. That fact is well-known and lets nothing out of the bag.

Just the other day, I received a note from a young Polish nationalist who wished us well and he gave me a link to the Facebook page of National Radical Camp (published in English)  [AFP: Facebook page regrettably since removed by leftist owner Mark Zuckerberg]


Polish nationalists in Warsaw


“I note that the National Radical Camp is a close friend of the Alliance For Peace And Freedom, the European wide association of nationalist parties, which will consider our affiliation once our registration is secured.

Australia First Party has said that we consider this affiliation another part of our overall strategy. It means that we establish the necessary connections to exchange vital information AGAINST New World order politics and to campaign together on vital questions.

So, let us be direct.  Our Party’s re-registration is important.

We may regain our registration very shortly on a review of the Australian Electoral Commission’s decision to obscurely de-register us.  Else, we may run an entirely new application – but we certainly need more memberships to base things on absolute solid earth. So we hope we can rely on friends here to formally sign up.

Australia First Party is an organisation with strategies. One might say that,

“Australia First has oversight and insight into the problems that beset building a nationalist party.  Help us build the necessary structure.”

Australia First President Dr Jim Saleam