The president of Australia First Party, Dr. Jim Saleam, will be the party’s candidate for the far-western Sydney seat of Lindsay in the Federal poll.
The party would call upon all its members and supporters to help finance this campaign.
Donations can be made direct: Westpac, Australia First Party (NSW) Incorporated, BSB 032 057 Acc 24 1768.
Lindsay is named after Norman Lindsay, great Australian artist. Lindsay held to nationalist views.
In 1915, he painted ‘My Army, Oh My Army‘, a revolutionary storming of the barricades, featuring Australian writer and poet Henry Lawson, fellow poet Roderic Quinn, Henry Boote editor of The Worker and A.G. Stephens of The Bulletin’s Red Page.
Lindsay did not look backwards but optimistically forwards.
He said Australia “could become the centre of a great renaissance which would rejuvenate western culture.”
It is fitting Australia First Party recalls this heritage when the parties of globalism have long forgotten it.