Gold Coast ideological Games politically beached as, despite the athletes

The 2018 Commonwealth Games staged by the Labor-Union-Greens crony coalition on the Gold Coast met PC3 expectations.

  • Labor’s Annastacia Palliative Chook piled on more public servant cushy jobs for Labor mates.
  • Games PC Boss Peter Beatie salivates out of retirement.
  • Leftard Labor indoctrination: ‘White Guilt’, ‘Male Guilt, ‘Minority Quotas’, ‘Deviant Language Edict’, ‘Local Evacuation Order’.

Da Deviance Inclusion Manifesto by Games Munster for Propaganda Lara McKay

  • 15,000 local volunteers used, abused and issued XXXL-size-fits-all uniforms and told to pay to have them adjusted – thanks for coming!
  • $17+ billion of taxpayer wealth squandered on one-off use venues, army of bureaucratic fat cats and consulting hangers-on.
  • Opening and closing ceremonies shunned Queenslanders and treacherously outsourced to Boston-based Jack Morton Wordwide – pockets $47m. It just so happens that Peter Beatie was mates with CEO Josh McCall while Beatie was in Boston at biotech conferences in 2012 and 2013 as a fake biotech professor with the University of Queensland.
  • Australians rate both ceremonies the worst ever – royal patrons bored as.  Charles on whisky tasting next day to recover.
  • Aborigines hatefully dominated as if pre-1788 dreaming – Lefties issued with permit to set up ‘Camp Sovereignty’ favela on The Spit.

As if the Opening Ceremony excluded Aborigines?  It was all ‘Spot da White Fella’.

  • Transport chaos outsourced to Wangaratta Coachlines which got lost and took the athletes walkabout.
  • Issuing 14,000 tickets to the opening ceremony with the wrong date printed (Thursday instead of Wednesday), then hundreds of tickets to weightlifting, table tennis and the triathlons that were printed with an incorrect session time. Beatie quipped “suck it up”.

  • Opening Ceremony:  Face painting, sand stomping, leaf smoking and blow up whale entertainment but without the jumping castle.

  • Closing Ceremony:  Athletes seated in darkness before the TV broadcast, then more indoctrination as audiences cop back-to-back boring speeches, so the athletes sneak out and go home in disgust leaving stadium half empty.  Nasty bitch Katie Noonan throws “volunteer rates” pittance at the music performers as a ‘thanks for coming’ gesture.

  • Former colonial negros let in without ankle bracelets – 13 still on the run.

Diversity Negros go missing in action – happens every Commonwealth Games!

  • Else, Australian athletes just competed brilliantly in their event and went quickly home, leaving Carrara Stadium half empty.

How hard could it be celebrating the Gold Coast and Australia’s athleticism?

Hand it to leftards and what da you expect?


Here they are Peter Beatie..(the Australian athletes):

Aussie Heroes:  Australia’s most successful team ever!


The Gold Coast 2018 Games Organising Committee of Shameful Losers

Leftard Games