Labor and Greens conditioned by Herbert the Pervert.
One selfish ideological lesbian in Parliament tries to impose her personal sexual deviance on Ordinary Australians.
by Penny Wong, 30 AUGUST 2013…
“$8 Million to Help Stop Homophobia in Schools”
Minister for Finance and Deregulation Penny Wong
Minister for Education Bill Shorten
Candidate for Melbourne Cath Bowtell
“Federal Labor will continue to take a stand against all forms of bullying with an $8 million investment to help stop homophobia and create more inclusive school communities.
This funding will be provided to Foundation for Young Australians to expand its Safe Schools Coalition program nationally, delivering training and providing resources and consultancy support to schools across the country.
Bullying impacts on an individual’s ability to engage in school and achieve positive learning outcomes.
Federal Labor is committed to eliminating bullying in all forms because all students have a right to a safe and respectful environment in which to learn.
Schools are already doing a lot to make sure students are safe and supported, but too many young Australians still experience bullying and discrimination in schools.
Federal Labor will ask the Foundation to work closely with state and territory education authorities in rolling out its program, and the Safe School Coalition’s aims will be guided by the National Safe Schools Framework which has been endorsed by all states and territories.
The National Safe Schools Framework provides a vision and a set of guiding principles to assist school communities to develop positive and practical student safety and well-being policies and is available on the Safe Schools Hub website.
The Hub, a $4 million initiative launched on the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence this year, has recently been expanded to include new resources for parents and tools to support professionals who work with students in schools.
The Safe Schools Hub is a one-stop shop of information and resources to ensure schools, parents and specialists who provide support to students, such as chaplains, student welfare officers and school psychologists, have the resources they need to ensure safe and supportive environments.
Content will continue to be developed and added to the Safe Schools Hub throughout 2013 and 2014.
For more information on the National Safe Schools Framework and the Government’s anti-bullying initiatives visit Safe Schools Hub.
Funding for this project is already included in the Budget.”
…luv n kisses, Penny Wong.
Then the Leftist pro-Labor ABC ran its Gayby Baby propaganda programme…it was all very co-ordinated.
Bloody Herbert the Pervert stuff!