Adani Galilee project an Indian snake charming bad debt waiting to bite

There’s some Indian snake charmer and his snake oil salesmen doing the rounds in the Liberal and Labor parties to entice billions out of Australian superannuation wealth for a few dud big black holes in outback Queensland. Apparently, the Indian charmer has…

Liberal Party’s Safe Haven Enterprise Visa scheme – muslims, mosques and burqas coming to a town near you

We call it ‘muzzie-flux‘ – the mass influx of hundreds and thousands of Third World black muslims (muzzies) set to overrun rural Australian towns. It’s move over the Rudd-Gillard Labor’s ‘Humanitarian Visas‘ and ‘Temporary Protection Visas‘.  Here’s Abbott-Turnbull’s permanent resettlement and welfare…

Premier Daniel Andrews hiding under the bed during Melbourne’s 2016 Moomba Race Riot

Daniel Andrews:  “No, Melbourne’s not safe, Melbourne’s not safe!” “Where’s Daniel Andrews? Violent gangs are rioting on city streets, families are afraid to go to Moomba celebrations, shootings in our suburbs have become a daily occurrence and there aren’t enough police to…

F35 Joint Strike Fighter: Wanted! kamikaze females to fly Abbott’s blind faith little turd

The designer of the F-16, Pierre Sprey, confirms the F-35 was always a lemon. Australia’s former Liberal PM Tony Abbott was a blind faith fool, who wasted more taxpayer wealth than his predecessor PM Kevin Rudd on buying 58 more dud lemon…

Nick Folkes identifies with the Liberal Party..because they fund him

Article originally entitled ‘Crawford’s Last Supper Episode 4: Want Lies with That?’, by Whitelaw Towers, February 28, 2016 An auteur director is renowned for making original films on their own terms, about subjects they choose, and in a style instantly recognisable…

Australia’s Defence White (yellow) Paper 2016 a $195+ billion unaffordable unicorn

So PM Mal has problems finding more tax revenue, but a day later comes up with yet another way to spend money he hasn’t got, while he has a current $300 billion government debt still growing. Nah worries mate!  On the path…

VDL dairy sale by Scott Morrison to China denies Australians of milk wealth future

So fat Chinese babies have secured their formula milk from Australia. The Chinese have just bought 25 dairy farms from dairy giant Van Diemen’s Land Company (VDL) in Tasmania.  With 17,000 odd hectares of prime dairy country, with 30,000 dairy cows producing…

Australia’s self-destruction of its fuel independence as Shell Refinery at Clyde is demolished

If Australia’s enemies were to wish for the best way to incapacitate our nation, they would start by destroying our energy infrastructure.  That’s the first thing Imperial Japan did when it bombed Darwin in 1942 – amongst the prime targets were the…

Turncoat Turnbull a Great Pretender – no ideas except pleasing, spending, taxing and stalling

After 6 months of disruptive nothing, time’s up you Ruddster fakester!   Stop navel-gazing new taxes. Live within your means. Pay down Labor’s debt rather than extending Labor’s debt. After nearly half a year of directionless indecision, sack yourself for Stopped the…

Australia’s urban rat race population now 24 million due to mass immigration fetish of 200,000 a year

Just two years ago, Australia’s population was 23 million. Today, a divergent mongrel rat race has clicked over 24 million as the latest foreign airline has landed with more immigrants. 90% of it is urban, or 70% confined to the capital cities…

Free Trade Elitism – makes a few corporate exporters richer, while the rest of us become structurally unemployed

Lap dog to the Libs, Barnaby Joyce (The National Party’s new leader) listens only to big rural corporates.   Beware Free Traders bearing gifts.  While a few vocal elites will selfishly benefit in the short-term, tens of thousands of Aussie workers and…

Mike Baird’s council amalgamations – his end game is New South China!

Mike Baird is unilaterally applying some “global city council” population fitness test to councils across New South Wales.   Ahead of being elected in 2011, Baird with the O’Farrell Liberals promised NSW communities that there’d be no forced amalgamations and that communities…

Pacific Aluminium sacks Australian seafarers for being Aussie, replaced by $2 an hour Third World scabs

How could it have come to this? Yesterday at 8.45am at Kooragang wharf at the Port of Newcastle, 20 Australian police forcible evicted the last 5 of 16 sacked Australian crew aboard Australian coastal bulk shipping service the ‘CSL Melbourne‘. This follows…

Mike Baird reliance on secret KPMG shonky modelling shows him not fit for public office

The Liberal Party’s smiling Mike Baird cannot be trusted. He unilaterally demands forced local council amalgamations with no legitimacy.  Baird spruiks that his pet project will bring New South Wales $2 billion in economic benefits. Crap!  Baird’s forced amalgamations pet project is…

Australia First protests Harvey Norman employing Syrian Muslims ahead of Aussies

Someone has to stand up for Australian jobs. The Liberal Party certainly isn’t. Last year, the Liberal Party in government invited Tony Abbott’s 12,000 Syrian Muslims to migrate permanently to Australia, costing over a billion dollars. The Liberal Party is not shy…

Bendigo Bank and Council bankrupting Australian citizens to serve an invited Islamic community

Community bank? Which community? Islamic! Any Australian in the Victorian town of Bendigo who banks with the Bendigo Bank must have rocks in their head.  Indeed, any Australian full stop who banks with the Bendigo Bank must have rocks in their head.…

Chinese Imperialism a more urgent threat to Australia than Islam

In Australia’s current national security debate, Australians needs to get perspective. Islamism is a threat to the safety of Australians. Fact. Islamism is becoming a threat to Australian culture, values and way of life.  Islam’s professed goal is world domination through conversion…

Influential photo of 2015 – Australia’s PM deposed by rigged pollsters unnerving government MPs

Within 24 hours of this photo being published in the Murdock media’s newspapers throughout Australia (city and country), Malcolm Turnbull on September 14, 2015 was able to secure the nervous numbers to undemocratically depose a Prime Minister by secret ballot inside the…

Turncoat Turnbull to name his first captain’s pic of Jap subs for Australia ‘HMAS Bullwinkle’

The Liberal Party will stoop to the lowest depths to sell out Ordinary Australians – Free Trade unemployment, mass immigration from the Middle East and foreign ownership of Australian farms, ports, infrastructure, property and wealth. But the Liberal Party’s latest unelected PM…

Michaelia Cash condemns Aussie weekend workers to foreign scab labour rates

Of course the Liberal Party wants to cheat weekend pay rates off low paid Australians.  The Liberals are funded and beholden to big business, foreign multinationals and immigrant labour. The Liberal Party’s current Employment Minister, elitist Michaelia Cash, dances with the truth…

Cronulla gets assaulted by anarcho-LGBTQIA bean flickers

So on the ten year anniversary of the Cronulla Civil Uprising, a few blokes peacefully staged a Ramadan pork spit roast at one end of Cronulla Beach. Meanwhile up the other end near the train station, ring-in masked fascist anarchists from LGBTQIA-infected…

ASIO’s Duncan Lewis compromised by Turnbull politics ordering Australians to ‘hug a muzzie’

Head of Australia’s intelligence service, ASIO, Major-General Lewis has said it is “very clear” that Islamic State had already “tapped into” and radicalised young Australians. “That’s been well documented.  We have had three attacks involving fatalities and six thwarted attacks in the…

Liberals to fund Abbott’s 12000 Syrians by denying cash-strapped Aussies cancer test pathology

Former Liberal PM Tony Abbott succumbed to the Syrian refugee propaganda flouted by the Left after their calculated lying image of the dead toddler wash up on a beach. Abbott’s unilateral decision to invite 12,000 Syrians to permanently settle in Australia was…

Liberal Party’s weak bail laws day of shame, a year after Man Monis inflicted Islamist terror on the heart of Sydney

The legacy of one man loomed large over the inquest into the deadly Lindt Cafe siege last August but his name was never mentioned. Greg Smith, former state Attorney-General, was the elephant in the Sydney courtroom.   Smith’s Bail Act 2013 came into…

For those who can’t make Cronulla tomorrow

It seems tomorrow most locals will be staying away from Cronulla. Beach politics is pretty sad. Police and media have booked most of the best beach pozzies. Some zealot journos even booked local accommodation.  Both the Supreme Court and Federal Court in…

Daily Telegraph blames beachside locals for Cronulla violence, while silent about the criminal Leb gangs

‘A Blow That’s Still Being Felt Today‘ is how Sydney’s Sunday Telegraph today runs its story on a double page spread about the 2005 Cronulla Uprising ten years on. The newspaper still blames the beachside locals for all the violence, while ignoring…

Australia First protests Harvey Norman over Syrian economic-refugee favouritism

Australia First Party held a snap protest outside of Harvey Norman in Sydney’s Islamic Republic of Auburn last Friday November 27, 2015. Gerry Harvey what is your wife thinking?  Sponsoring Muslim burqa sport is one thing, but at the expense of underprivileged…

Peter Dutton’s Syrian impost on Wagga condemned

Australia First Party in all States will be campaigning against the planned intake of Syrian refugees. The true ‘solution’ is to protect the camps – and return people home when President Assad (with the support of Russia) – wins the war! But…

Liberal Party’s unilateral impost of 12,000 Syrian Muslims will only harm Australia’s western society

The Liberals can’t be trusted to keep dangerous Muslims out of Australia.  PM Abbott promised to stop the boats.  But it was electoral deception; he continued the planes.  Liberal Immigration Minister Dutton keeps adjusting his spin about Abbott’s 12,000 Syrians.  Most have…

Interview with President Assad of Syria – why the crisis?

Certain political groups like the Australian Party For Freedom, Liberal Party ‘conservatives’ and other creatures linked back to Q Society and Australian Liberty Alliance, see Australia First Party telling the truth on the Middle East, and they don’t like it. They don’t…

Europe welcomed Muslims by the millions then decides to close its gates. Australia’s Army lets ’em join up!

It’s a bit late for the European Union to revoke its open border policy.  Europe’s dumb Schengen Agreement since 1985 has meant passport-free transit between 26 European countries.  It’s open humanitarian immigration policy has let in millions of Arab muslims unchecked. Islam…

First of 12,000 Syrian Muslim welfare burdens arrive in Australia

The Liberals told Australians in early September 2015, that they had unilaterally decided to invite an extra 12,000 socio-economic asylum seekers from Syria. So more Muslim Arabs are set to impose themselves on Australian taxpayers costing us $700 million over the next…

Liberals, leave the GST alone! Cut government spending if you’re not just a Labor factional heavy

Labor’s populist Malcolm Turnbull plans to raise the GST on Australians to 15% so he can spend more taxpayer money on populist projects. He’s conned the Left besotted. Green chicks have him on their climate change screensaver.  The Libs plainly implanted Mal…

The ‘Anti-Islam Movement’ narrative – Why Australia First stands alone

by Dr. Jim Saleam and others. | A journo has made comment on her blog regarding the so-called ‘anti-Islam movement’ and its different shades of opinion and agendas. Now we found the video of our friend Sheikh Rattle and Roll the worthwhile…