Electrolux manufacturing in Australia overrun by $2.50 an hour Third Worlders in Thailand

Today, not even First World high standards, best practice efficiency, computerisation, robotics or innovation could save Australia’s last white goods manufacturer in the New South Wales regional town of Orange. Today Australia’s last refrigerator factory, the Electrolux plant at Orange in central…

Exposing Political Correctness and the lies of the Establishment Elite

Ordinary Australians and Americans alike have had a gutful of political correctness and the scripted bullshit of the Establishment Elite entrenched like rising damp, in Canberra and Washington. His Lordship, Ambassador Kim Beasley got the full Vaseline treatment by Washington’s Insiders; now…

Accept cash: Why pay tax when the Liberal Government excuses multinationals and wastes taxes on Chinese windfarms?

Aussies are better off accepting cash for work wherever possible to avoid paying tax.   Tax only encourages the Liberal or Labor governments wasting our taxes on dumb useless pet projects, like funding Abbott’s F35s, and Bob Brown’s Chinese wind farms. Why should…

Bully corporates abusing owner truck drivers like Third World slaves

Truck owner-drivers are an independent group of Aussies who have long been pushed to survive. Against all odds, thousands hang on. Now they are to be forced out of the transport industry by changes to a pay award that sounds so fair,…

VDL dairy sale by Scott Morrison to China denies Australians of milk wealth future

So fat Chinese babies have secured their formula milk from Australia. The Chinese have just bought 25 dairy farms from dairy giant Van Diemen’s Land Company (VDL) in Tasmania.  With 17,000 odd hectares of prime dairy country, with 30,000 dairy cows producing…

Fruit picking jobs in Australia for Australians only!

When it comes to fruit picking, vege picking and seasonal horticultural labouring in Australia it’s only fair that Aussies get the available work. Since the nature of the work is outdoors, manual, seasonal, short-term and remote (beyond public transport access) it is…

Fiona Nash gifted rare privilege to better Rural Australian families back to national respectability

The National Party of Australia, aka ‘The Nationals’ aka ‘The Nats’ – so what do they stand for beside a record of being but rural lap dogs to the city Libs or else in retirement selling out The Bush to corporate miners?…

Free Trade Elitism – makes a few corporate exporters richer, while the rest of us become structurally unemployed

Lap dog to the Libs, Barnaby Joyce (The National Party’s new leader) listens only to big rural corporates.   Beware Free Traders bearing gifts.  While a few vocal elites will selfishly benefit in the short-term, tens of thousands of Aussie workers and…

Pacific Aluminium sacks Australian seafarers for being Aussie, replaced by $2 an hour Third World scabs

How could it have come to this? Yesterday at 8.45am at Kooragang wharf at the Port of Newcastle, 20 Australian police forcible evicted the last 5 of 16 sacked Australian crew aboard Australian coastal bulk shipping service the ‘CSL Melbourne‘. This follows…

Australia First protests Harvey Norman over Syrian economic-refugee favouritism

Australia First Party held a snap protest outside of Harvey Norman in Sydney’s Islamic Republic of Auburn last Friday November 27, 2015. Gerry Harvey what is your wife thinking?  Sponsoring Muslim burqa sport is one thing, but at the expense of underprivileged…

Chinese buying up Australian property wealth

Chinese middle class investors are buying up almost one-fifth of new housing built in Sydney as part of a $5 billion annual outlay on Australian real estate which is pushing up prices and will ultimately change the way property values are calculated.…

Australia free trade agreement with China good for jobs – Chinese jobs downunder!

Australia’s Liberal PM Tony Abbott and Labor’s ex-PM Bob Hawke both selfishly spruik increasing trade with Communist China, claiming it will be good for jobs. They both mean Chinese jobs.  They ignore the risk of over-exposing Australia’s economy to this imperialist backward…

Abbott’s KAFTA Free Trade with South Korea starting to fire up

In Australia, the Liberal and Labor ruling classes are embracing Free Trade with the two-bit Third World with missionary zeal. Korean products are already making their mark. Low Cost Samsung products are so cheap they are dangerously catching fire!   So who…

May 1: Reclaim May Day for the Australian Worker

by Dr. Jim Saleam, May 1, 2015   The fact that extreme-left groups and anti Australians of all types mass on May Day to push the globalist agenda means that Australian patriots should look, ultimately – to reclaiming May Day. Reclaim May…

Reclaim May Day – for the Australian Worker

by Dr. Jim Saleam “The fact that extreme-left groups and anti Australians of all types mass on May Day to push the globalist agenda means that Australian patriots should look, ultimately – to reclaiming May Day, that is May 1 annually. Reclaim…

Brisbane G20 cost Australians $400 million to embrace cracking down on multinational tax evasion

Expectant, frenetic and secure as it could be, Abbott and Hockey’s G20 delivered at least a global focus on embracing working women and ending public corruption and ending multinational tax evasion. Hockey was wise to translate the commitments to measurable accountabilities with…

Chinese poo berries just the beginning of China’s Free Trade dumping on Australians

Chinese faecal contamination of Nanna’s brand frozen mixed berries has got Coles, Woolworths, and IGA clearing shelves across Australia.  Manufacturer Patties Foods is doing a national recall. Our health authorities have issued public alerts for hepatitis A.  Food Standards Australian and New…

Australian food labelling can’t be trusted unless you don’t mind Hep A faeces in your frozen berries

In the past week, eight Australians shopping at local supermarkets have contracted hepatitis A virus after eating Nanna’s frozen mixed berries secretly imported on the cheap from Third World China. So far Australia has three hepatitis A cases in Victoria, two in…

Immigrants stealing Australian jobs are fueling our growing underclass

Many ordinary Aussies are being forced on to the Centrelink scrap heap because of immigrants arriving in Australia at the rate of 400,000 every year, stealing Australian jobs and livelihoods. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), in March 2013, Australia’s resident…

Jan 5: The Great Shearers Strike of 1891

We Observe January 5, The Great Shearers Strike of 1891   The Great Shearers’ Strike of 1891 marked a crude time in early Australia, when ordinary workers were compelled to make a stand against greedy pastoral overlords and their threat of imposing…

Indian diaspora in Australia infatuated with Modi ought to return to India

The Indian prime minister’s visit to Australia this week has been an eye opener. Ordinary Australians watching the nightly news and observing over 20,000 Indian fans passionately treating PM Narendra Modi as a rock star in Sydney would be quite dumbfounded.  Even…

Avoid Subway, buy local Australian food instead

Subway restaurants are Foreign Formula Fast Food crap – ‘FFFF’. Typically in Sydney and surrounds this foreign corporate chain of stores employs mainly Sri Lanka asylum seekers, otherwise revealed as illegal economic migrants. Some have connections to the Tamil Tigers. Or else…

Cash economy best for small business, when big business gets away with tax havens

Why should Ordinary Australians pay full tax when big business and multinationals avoid their fair share? The Tax Office is always going after the little guy to squeeze pittance out of Aussie battlers – tradies and those running small business.   The Tax…

Greedy Banks will be regulated under the Australia First Party

Gillard, Rudd, Abbott don’t represent ordinary Australians.  They represent their own egos and their rich mates like the banks. Successive LibLab governments have set up Australia’s big four banks, Commonwealth, ANZ, Westpac and NAB to be Australia’s uber-rich elite.  These four banks…