Mike Baird the Liberal Party’s muslim lover downunder

Australia is a Western secular nation holding liberal Christian beliefs and values.  But try telling Liberal Party’s Mike Baird, the unelected premier of New South Wales. Yesterday Mike Baird declared himself a “friend” of foreign muslims speaking to thousands of Islamic worshippers…

Sydney women not safe to go out with black gang rapists about

Yet another asylum seeker has been charged with rape in Sydney. A 16-year-old girl leaving Liverpool Library in ethnic South West Sydney at 9:30pm on June 21, 2014 was accosted by Somali/Ethiopian asylum seekers in the library forecourt, then gang-raped her in…

‘Once Were Greens’ support asylum seeker criminals

Australia is a free and democratic country where men and women are equal. People are expected to show respect for one another and not to abuse or threaten others.  At least that is the theory that liberals push. Since the Australian Greens…

ASIO’s incompetent record of protecting Australia

Citizens’ Right to Border Protection The citizens of any nation hold an inalienable right to their national sovereignty.  A nation’s citizens’ right is extended to expect and demand that their national government protect and defend their national borders from external harm; select…

Sydney’s housing squalour ignored by Clover Moore’s counter-culture narcissism

Sydney’s Mayor Clover Moore is all about imposing her counter culture on the rest of us. She wants for her city of Sydney some Leftist idealistic fancy of utopian pedestrianism contradicted under an increasingly ugly Hong Kong like skyline filled with asian…

Refugee Action Coalition arranges oil leak on illegal boat to Christmas Island

Greens-Labor still in election denial, a month or so ago, according to sources, had a confidential conversation… Tanya Plibersek:     Hello Sarah, we need to do something to distract Abbott’s agenda Sarah Hanson-Young:     F#@K Abbott!  And they were machetes according to my TV.…

Kelly Hazell Quill lawyers in politics: Sledging on the outer according to proposed anti-discrimination changes

by Phillip Hudson, Herald Sun, December 12, 2012: “FOOTBALLERS sledging each other about injuries, a rude waiter serving a meal or someone at work criticising others for their political views could all be ruled as breaking the law under proposed anti-discrimination changes.…

Greens want Tasmania to become Leftist haven for illegals

The Greens want to establish Tasmania as an asylum seeker haven where economic illegals get accommodated and assimilated  at the Pontville Detention Centre before automatic welfare funded life support in Tasmania. Tasmanian Greens leader Nick McKim wants Australians to spend $5.4 million…

Australia’s Federal Budget 2014 where corporates are favoured over foreigners

Now its the Liberals turn to favour corporate capitalism over Labor’s six years of foreign welfarism. The pattern of Australia’s two party politics is predictably uninspiring.  Labor fritters and wastes, then the Liberals slash and burn to pay back Labor’s debt.  Voters…

Warnervale Chinese Theme Park a deceitfully conceived Chinese invasion

Australia to be the 34th Province of China? ANOTHER CHAPTER IN THE CORRIDORS OF CORRUPTION FOR THE PLANNED OVER-THROW OF THE AUSTRALIAN NATION BY ITS “ELECTED” LEADERS – EVERY ONE A JUDAS !!! Wyong Mayor proposes to impose a Communist China forbidden…

Tanya Plibersek sold out Australian social housing to foreign students

The Australian Labor Party really has become foreign with Tanya Plibersek increasingly at the helm. As foreign housing minister under the Rudd Labor government, Plibersek’ in charge of Labor’s “National Rental Affordability Scheme” (NRAS), helped build units not for poor Australians, but…

Liberal Federal Budget 2014 imposes Badgerys Airport Levy for a Hargrave white elephant

What is unforgiveable treachery with the Liberal Government’s 2014-15 Federal Budget is not the raising of taxes to pay off Labor’s gross delinquent debt, nor even Tony Abbott’s pre-election broken promise of “no new taxes”, nor even Joe Hockey’s fiscally irrelevant 2023…

Australian Defence Force should not let the years condemn our veterans

Australian Defence Force personnel, the very instant they graduate, deserve national government recognition of their commitment to duty, service and country. Every single one of our Australian Defence Force personnel, irrespective of corps, role, rank, contractual obligation, posting, hours per week, deserves…

ANZAC Day is about remembering, but more importantly about respect and recognition

Simpson and his Donkey at Gallipoli, May 1915 Jack Simpson Kirkpatrick is well recognised as one of Australia’s most famous, and best-loved military heroes. On the 25th April 1915 he, along with the rest of the Australian and New Zealand contingent landed…

Opal Card: a foreign-Labor extravagance perpetuated by a corporate-Liberal extravagance

Public transport is funded out of our taxes so why is the public being taxed twice to use a public service?  Zero-fare public transport would have been a smarter system, and smartly saved New South Wales considerably millions. What’s to be done…

Badgerys Creek (Bradfield) Airport – Tony Abbott’s infrastructure dream’in

Abbott Liberals need to realise that one ball Bazza has a tendency to sign off on projects if the cover sheet contains the word “growth”. Teddy Bear O’Farrell has a mantra: “build it and NSW will grow.”  His grasp of cost reality…

Rapes by asylum seekers continue across Western Sydney’s ethnic ghetto

Yesterday, two 16 year-old Sydney schoolgirls were gang-raped in broad daylight by three Middle Eastern men in Fairfield Park in Western Sydney. Police Superintendent Peter Lennon said the girls had skipped school in the Blacktown area to go shopping at Castle Hill,…

Islamic political terrorist attack on Sydney home

It seems not a day goes by without news of yet another nighly shooting somewhere across Sydney’s now muslim dominated ethnic west. Premier Barry O’Farrell (one-ball Bazza) with his soft crime-avoiding teddy bear approach, has emulated Muslim-luvin-Labor, allowing Sydney’s west to descend…

Offshoring Australian oil refineries undermines Australia’s fuel energy resilience

Foreign multinationals and imported foreign CEOs have an ongoing record of disloyalty towards Australia, towards Australian workers and towards Australian communities.  Recent offenders exposed in our national news media are:  QANTAS, Telstra, BHP Billiton, Alcoa, Exxon-Mobil, Ford Motor Company, General Motors, Royal…

Tanya Plibersek in foreign affairs because that’s where her loyalty lies

The six year legacy of the Australian Labor Party under Rudd, Gillard, Swan, Wong, Plibersek and co. (2007-2013) was of a hateful and wasteful treatment of Australians and taxpayer wealth, while pandering and gifting to anyone foreign. So it came as no…

Badgerys Creek Airport set to be owned by Macquarie Bank, just like Sydney Airport

The media-invoked feud between Liberal Treasurer Joe Hockey and Sydney Airport Holdings chairman Max Moore-Wilton over Badgerys Creek is pure polly pantomime. Max Moore-Wilton is a card-carrying Liberal. Hockey wants a second airport to stimulate his economic growth at all social costs…

Joe Hockey now treasurer proves to be Liberals’ $500 billion debt hypocrite

Liberals Joe Hockey, for six years as shadow treasurer, continually criticised Labor about its recurring budget deficits and snowballing debt. Hockey attacked Labor’s treasurer Wayne Swan for turning a forecast $1.5 billion surplus into a $19.4 billion deficit.   Hockey has claimed that…

Manus Island Rioters – “but our cuz in Oz paid good coin for our illegal entry into Australia!”

Last weekend, illegals who have chartered $5000 boat passage to immigrate to Australia, held on Manus Island were rightly told by Australian Immigration that they were illegal and that their only option for resettlement was to live in Papua New Guinea. Bugger!…

Muslim paedophile cult allowed to spread across New South Wales

A responsible Australian has reported to national authorities, what New South Wales Family and Community Services Minister Pru Goward has known for years but done nothing about. On February 5, 2014, Australia’s national unemployment office Centrelink in western Sydney became aware of…

Howard, Rudd, Gillard, Rudd, Abbott…the Laberal Pendulum Blade

The LABERAL system swings from one ‘face’ to ‘the alternate face’ between opposing odours of maladministration, self-interest and waste.  Between each three year swing the electoral victim dies cut by cut until divided and conquered. Abbott’s post-honeymoon but still smiling Liberal Party…

Illegal economic migrants encouraged by Leftists and the ABC

The betrayal of Australian sovereignty by Sarah Hanson Young’s Greens Party makes her the nation’s most infamous traitor, and has sidelined The Greens into the extremist waste bin of social irrelevance and stench. But despite the Labor Party in Tasmania at long…

Cashed up illegals chartering boats to Australia can well sew their lips service

Cashed up illegals chartering boats to Australia from southern blind eyed Indonesian islands are a friggin joke. Indonesia’s foreign minister, Marty Natalegawa, where is your honesty?  Your generous neighbour Australia and many western nations have provided Indonesia with hundreds of millions of…