Holiday in Third World Bali if ya bonkers

Why would anyone want to endure Bali?  It’s cheap for a reason.  It’s a Third World Shithole.  Getting there with Alan Joyce’s cheap unreliable Jetstar is hit and miss, and then getting stranded in Denpasar Airport is irritatingly similar. Stranded again in…

Crying Greens Senator Sarah Hanson Young is a rocky horror show

Greens drama queen, Sarah Hanson Young’s been crying again after using excessive mascara ahead of her Senate performance today. She reckons young Australians should be happy with Australia’s 2017 plebiscite 60% ‘YES’ outcome to allow deviant marriage, knowing full well that the…

Amazon Slave Labour – where’s FairWork and the bloody unions?

It’s retail Black Friday and the world domination by Amazon is setting foot in Australia.  Here come the robots, slave labour and there goes Aussie retail out the door like Holden.  US retail monolith Amazon’s jewish trillionaire führer Jeff Bezos has vowed…

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos – Australia’s new Mugabe

In Scotland, Amazon has been accused of creating “intolerable working conditions” by a Scottish politician after claims emerged that warehouse workers were forced to live tents in order to save money and penalised for sick days. Willie Rennie, Liberal Democrat leader in…

Barnaby’s blackbirding of foreign backpacker fruit picking slaves – he’s a Cost Cutting Kiwi, no bloody wonder

Any Aussie can quickly sniff out a fake blow-in farmer by the crispness of his hat and kit. These two Canberra fly-ins get their shirts supplied and pressed for the cameras. It’s clichéd OMO white-shirt propaganda to hide polly bullshit.   Barnaby,…

Muslims can’t drive and ego Lebs should just marry themselves

Lebanon’s biggest drama queen import to ethnic South West Sydney, Salim Mehajer, is classic leb. Crime family, bad attitude, hates Australia, dodgy, ADHD ego, serial weights dropper and can’t drive. Once he became mayor he thought he was da profit prophet. Send…

If Canberra legalizes deviant marriage, it will be a direct assault on Traditional Australia

So Liberal leftard Mal, has pursued yet another Greens-Labor’s leftist globalist agenda campaign by pushing for deviant marriage in Australia.  It’s intended to corrode the institution of marriage, the bedrock of our society and to undermine Australian traditional Christian values and decency. …

Hollywood deviance exposes leftard culture of homo-pedo criminality

So another Hollywood celebrity has come out about its deviant culture. Actor Kevin Spacey last week published “In my life I have had relationships with both men and women. I have loved and had romantic encounters with men throughout my life, and…

Muslims like Maha Al-Shennag can’t drive – Aussies wise to get a defensive dash cam this Christmas

Most of dem immigrants congesting Australia’s city roads got their licences out of a Third World Weet-Bix packet. They rock up here flashing their dodgy international driving permits to their Third Worlder compatriots employed by our public service to get rubber stamped…

100kg 190cm deviant Hannah Mouncey rejected from playing in girls under 15 netball – cracks human rights hissy

Told ya the deviants would push the boundaries of deviant marriage.  Give ’em an inch… There’s this solid footy ruckman named Callum Mouncey and he reckons if wears a bra he can blitz the under 15 girl’s netball. At 100kg and 190…

Leftard defence barrister Charles Waterstreet – da excuser of low-lifes now accused of same?

Lawyer Charles Waterstreet defends any low-life crim on his publicity ego basis – pro-bono will do. Now Chas has been exposed bad.  He’s been banned from Sydney University following a female student Ms Tina Huang (21) on August 24 alleging he sexually…

Greatest Light Horse Triumph at Beersheba 1917: dehydrated Aussie soldiers and their whalers charged at Johnny Turk’s defensive barrage

One’s great great uncle’s generation of men were the best Australia has produced, thus far. Subsequent generations of Australians could only imagine; but we mortals should read, learn and must never forget.  Mine was blown to bits by the Germans at The…

Democrat Diversity inflicts New Yorkers with allahufuckbaaaa!

If you let beards in, you are seriously asking for it. New York October 31:  Bearded Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov, a background-checked Islamic Uber driver, mowed down 19 people (8 dead so far plus another 11 injured) ramming his pickup into cyclists and…

Abbott and Carbone’s Arab invasion of Fairfield

There goes the neighbourhood in Fairfield; the traitor council is set to rename it ‘Aleppo’.  Mayor Frankie Carbone is bringing them in by the plane load.  It’s rehearsal beach head invasion for Badgery’s Third World Immigration Airport – ‘Baklava International‘. On top…

Education ‘export’ con supplanting Aussie youth with Ned Kelly’s ‘mongolians’

Lazy mass immigration policy out of Canberra is destroying Australia’s urban quality of life and driving White Genocide. Flogging education to foreigners as some perverted ‘export’ is just part of this mass immigration agenda.  Of course on graduation they stay. These foreigners…

‘KHARTOUM KaBOOM!’ – the chargrilled African solution to Melbourne’s carjacking crisis

A private group of wealthy Melburnians who drive luxury cars, who have become fearful of becoming victims of African carjackings, are taking the law into their own hands secretly trialing a car defence kit out of South Africa. Once dubbed the ‘Blaster’…

Foreign Labor Party not just anarcho-obstructionist but a pedophile support ring

It’s Labor’s obstructionist huddle in Parliament.  Canberra’s public servant indulgence, the foreign labor party, remains in Clintonistic denial from having lost both the 2016 and 2013 national elections. These days, the ALP is only about self-interest.  That’s why Labor recruits trade unionists…

Holden’s last Australian car to drive another 950 workers to casualisation and Men’s Sheds

Not a good day for Australian enterprise and industrial independence.  Today Holden shuts down its Elizabeth car production line in northern Adelaide ending 69 years of Australian-made car manufacturing. It opened in 1963 and the first fully-built Aussie model was the Holden…

Thirteenth Crusade against Muslims – Infidels defeat Islamics in Raqqa: Scoreboard!

October 18 2017 and the Islamic State is no more. Only took 40 months since the barbaric ragheads declared their caliphate world domination nonsense. Their so-called ISIS capital, the captured Iraqi city of Raqqa has this week been liberated by the infidels.…

Perth home invasion by 15 year old Aboriginal – loots, bashes, rapes sleeping grandmother

Rockingham (Friday 13, 2017): in this Perth Aboriginal ghetto, Moorditj-koort Abo Clive Sydney Hart (15) commits an horrific home invasion – bashing, robbing, raping a grandmother (84) then forcing her to shower to remove his sperm. Image supplied by police in WA…

Queenslanders set your air CON to 16 Celsius – bugger Labor’s coal-exporting Anna$tacia Pluckachook

Queensland Labor’s puppet Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk (Anti-Australian offspring of a Polish immigrant) in her fancy air-conditioned Brissy office has unleashed another bureaucratic dogma. It’s her ‘Summer Preparedness Plan‘ to apply not to herself but to non-public servants across Queensland.  So who perhaps…

“Climate change argument is absolute crap” – Tony Abbott

The polar bear clinging image was originally part of a Coca Cola PR campaign, then it was hijacked by Al Gore’s climate alarmist cult. By banning C02 emissions is to ludicrously try banning humans and animals exhaling. Dreamt up by early onset…

Secret Sambo Dumping in Geelong of fake refugees by leftard missionary zealots

Of course they’re on humanitarian visas; it’s the United Nations One World Agenda 21.  It’s the UN’s way of forcibly distributing hard-earned First World wealth to millions of leeching, breeding Third World welfare seekers.  Since our working Middle Class real wages have…

2017 will go down as Todd Greenberg’s Same Sex Grand Final – instead of being about sport

Australia’s National Rugby League boss Todd Greenberg is thrusting his sexual personal agenda down the throats of millions of Australians who just want to watch sport. Todd Greenberg’s unilateral decision to speak for the entire NRL sporting code – to back the…

Australians subjected to violent savagery by Third World trilobites

Australia cops more than its share of violence thanks to the flood of low-life ethnics from da Third World let in by Canberra.  Any wonder domestic violence has become an epidemic. And what part of Australia has the highest crime rate per…

Dr Jim Saleam files for nomination for the NSW electoral district of Cootamundra

Yesterday, Australia First Party president Dr Jim Saleam’s nomination as a candidate for the seat of Cootamundra was formally approved by the AEC Returning Office in Cowra. | Dr Jim Saleam in Cowra this week   Red Tape Sorted It was a…