Vale, Leon Gregor who defeated fake ‘conservative/nazi’ conmen – a warning to celebrate his life

by Dr. Jim Saleam and another, May 6, 2017.


Leon Gregor died sometime Friday night – Saturday morning in the western New South Wales country town he had made his home.

Our commentary is written here as a political obituary, not a personal one. We are obliged to refer to a sociopathic criminal clique which has rorted its way across alternative ‘Right’ (sic) politics in (mainly) New South Wales for almost thirty years and against whom Leon Gregor administered a defeat which opened the lid on this can of corruption. The struggle that lasted two and a half years (September 1999 – April 2002) defined Leon as a fighter.

This Christian gentleman was placed, some eighteen years ago as the primary leader of a religious society (the British-Israel World Federation), when it was invaded by this group of shysters trying to rort its assets. The criminal conspiracy was undertaken by a group we nationalists called ‘the Palmer-Coleman gang’.

Led by David Palmer and Peter Coleman and involving others like Jason Rafty and Mark Pavic, the group wanted the Blue Mountains house and the $140,000 bank account which were the proceeds of an estate, the bookshop and its stock and the goodwill of the society – for their own interests.

David Palmer

Palmer and Coleman had posed regularly in the press for years as play actor Kluxers and neo-nazis. Always making outrageous untruthful statements, associating themselves via untruthful public claims with diverse groups over time such as National Action, Australians Against Further Immigration, Pauline Hanson’s One Nation and others, they maintained they were a real structure. They threatened the Olympic Games, Aborigines and claimed to be committing violence against Asian immigrants. At no point was any real organizational substance ever demonstrated.

Importantly, Coleman was exposed as an informant for the previous New South Wales Police Special Branch and Palmer admitted a relationship with ASIO. We have no doubt these relationships defined their quality.

This gang all but took over the British-Israel World Federation when Leon Gregor pulled off a legal master-stroke, wound up the society in the Supreme Court, had its assets lawfully transferred to the parent group in London and then returned to a legitimate Australian group minus the shysters.

The long legal fight exposed the names and details of many of the gang and their operational links became known.

The most surprising ‘link’ was a Liberal Party solicitor who fought their case (and was paid from the group’s assets over $50,000 to do so), who was linked into the underbelly of the so-called Liberal Party ‘conservatives’ and who had Chinese business connections. This man was a personal friend of then ‘conservative’ leader in the Liberals, David Clarke.

David Clarke, Liberal Hard Right factional powerbroker


Leon Gregor’s routing of the gang caused it to rebirth itself as Klub Nation in 2005, with many of the same personnel, but the same method. Leon held his nose in 2009 -2010 while he assisted the Humanist Society to beat off a ‘takeover’ and the rorting of its assets.

Klub Nation dissolved in stages after late 2009, but we should note that many of its personnel and the essential ‘takeover’ method, is still there. We have documented other projects members of the Klub Nation engaged in after this time.

Today, it has other targets. Leon was working until the day he passed with Australia First Party on amassing evidence about their new operations and formulating ideas to break them. Their latest scheme is the Dingoes, a cultural group based upon the ideas of what has come to be called – the ‘Alternative Right’ or ‘Alt-Right‘.

The plan is to take them over too.

Leon Gregor called the activities of the gang ‘fake’. Nothing was never what it ever appeared to be and whatever they said the lies of sociopaths, and he brought this crucial understanding to the table.

We thank Leon Gregor in death for certain small bequests he made to us and pledge that the fakes will be outed and dealt with at every turn.
