Living Next Door to a Greens Supremacist: Bandt da Rant

Adam Bandt hates Australia and everything it stands for.  Bandt’s a pre-meditated polly-careerist, a globalist supremacist, a polly more interested in throwing Australian taxpayer wealth at foreign Third World cultures and inviting the barbaric hordes downunder, so to treacherously undermine Australia’s way…

Australian Day – ignore hateful fringe dwellers on public teat digging up constructed White guiltism

Australia’s northern coast and in 1942 we nearly lost our sovereignty to the invading Japs. Aboriginal councilman for Alice Springs, Jacinta Nampijinpa Price is looking foward to celebrating Australia Day along with millions of Australians of various backgrounds.  January 26 is a…

Representative Victimhood lures minorities into the hands of foreign-hugging Greens

Mostly by Piers Akerman:  ‘Lefties love a hollow gesture, not action’, January 14, 2018, in The Sunday Telegraph (Sydney newspaper)| Next month marks the 10th anniversary of Labor PM Kevin Rudd’s teary apology to the so-called ‘Stolen Generation’ – exposed as a…