‘Progressive’ Greenie punks driving up household electricity prices of Ordinary Australians

Da golly Greenie punks reckon Australia should have a target of 90% renewable electricity by 2030 presuming it will always be sunny and windy to supply the power.  And they want to tax cheap abundant coal to extinction. It’s ideologically because da…

Canberra has no Energy Policy for Australians

by Stephen Cable The Spectator, ‘Energy policy: the meatgrinder of the poor’, August 10, 2017 ‘The outstanding success of the South Australian government of giving their people the highest power prices in the world is going to be replicated around the country.…

Australian Greens hypocritical about CO2 emissions

Frothing climate alarmism:  “Australia needs to urgently and substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions, actively support international mitigation measures to reduce global emissions, and plan to adapt to climate change impacts which are now inevitable.” Yeah, yeah. So today Sydney’s blanketed in bushfire…

Richard Di Natali election manifesto for The Greens

Apparently back from Paris, The Australian Greens new leftist leader, Richard Di Natali, has had another promo at Canberra’s National Press Club this week.  The Leftie press and Gillard-Rudd-appointed public servant fat cats just love him being in Canberra.  More spending for them!…