High court ruling on Aborigines may end in civil war

The constitution, imperfect though it is, is under attack. Recently, the High court voted 4-3 to allow to foreign-born criminals to avoid extradition on the basis that each had Aboriginal ancestry.

In doing so, they have conferred special rights upon the blackfella which supersede our migration laws on the basis that their ‘Aboriginality’ connects them to the land in a wholly transcendental fashion not applicable to the rest of us; not even those of us White Australians with ties going back several generations. Suddenly, race matters very much.

Pitt Street Uniting Church (1980s – 90s) deserves investigation by Royal Commission into Institutional Paedophilia

My Allegation: An Essential Part of my CV in this Election Campaign for the Federal Seat of Cook, by Dr. Jim Saleam —————————————————————————————– I intend to make a submission to the new Royal Commission into the activities of paedophiles in the churches…