Joint Statement Australia First Party/One Nation (Western Australia)

Representatives of Australia First Party and One Nation (Western Australia) met recently in Perth.

Australia First Party and One Nation (Western Australia) reason that the situation for the nationalist cause has entered a new phase where cooperation amongst genuine organisations offers a way forward against the globalist system.

It was subsequently decided by the parties:

1. They would avoid electoral competition with each other. That being, there be a clear understanding there will be prior discussion and agreement, election by election, on the issue of any clash of candidates and that preference issues must be firmly agreed prior to announcing candidates.

2   They would assist each other, when requested and if possible, in an electorate or council area for campaigning purposes.

3. They would work together when appropriate to develop united activist campaigns on public issues or on other fronts, and do this in a consultative and cooperative spirit.

4.  They would exchange intelligence on disruptive elements, or state or other programs which undermine the integrity of the patriotic movement.

5.  They would avoid unnecessary comment on each other; but point out fairly and reasonably what any differences may be when they must.