Susan Jakobi for Lalor (VIC): “I shall return quality and enjoyment of life to working people and families”

My Programme for Return of the ‘Vision Splendid Ideal’ for Working Families: – Producerism  |  Prosperity  |  Independence .   Replace the enslaving, unsustainable neo-liberal economics of Big Business, for Australianist National Self-Sufficiency economics. AUSTRALIANS TO OWN, create, grow, manufacture, build, service…

Hey White Aussie, try getting a job

What in the city?  Employers have got the upper hand and expect epic work experience to selfishly avoid the cost and effort of training new recruits. The big companies typically only offer casual contracts, else pay crap wages like in slave cadetships,…

Holden’s last Australian car to drive another 950 workers to casualisation and Men’s Sheds

Not a good day for Australian enterprise and industrial independence.  Today Holden shuts down its Elizabeth car production line in northern Adelaide ending 69 years of Australian-made car manufacturing. It opened in 1963 and the first fully-built Aussie model was the Holden…

Wagga Wagga Election 2016 – Vote 1 Lorraine Sharp, Australia First!

Our Platform:   1 . The people’s Ombudsman Lorraine Sharp will stand up against the good ol’ boys on Council who have wasted your funds on treason like the China Trade Centre and the Douglass Aerospace fiasco. 2. The Ice epidemic Community…

Immigrants stealing Australian jobs are fueling our growing underclass

Many ordinary Aussies are being forced on to the Centrelink scrap heap because of immigrants arriving in Australia at the rate of 400,000 every year, stealing Australian jobs and livelihoods. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), in March 2013, Australia’s resident…