Blue Paper – Immigration Standards

This Blue Paper is a draft prescriptive standard for Australianness, arising out of multiple challenges to Australian values by foreign influences, by anti-Australian sentiment and by our governments kowtowing to unethical and backward cultures that are undermining Australian traditional values.  This is a feeder document toward nationalist policy and subsequent draft proposed law, inviting input and debate by Australians.Blue Paper

Nationalist Initiatives

  • Restore the White Australian Defence Policy
  • Legislate and enforce the Conditional Citizenship blue paper
  • Initiate the Vanstone Reversal Programme – the offering of humanitarian immigration into Australia of persecuted White Africans, commensurate with the proportional forced repatriation of non-White Africans back to Africa.  All immigration necessarily subject to extreme screening and mandatory non-Capital City settlement and re-education and assimilation.  All programme funding to be channelled out of Australia’s previously budgeted annual gifting to the United Nations and Foreign Aid.
  • New Zealand immigration to be consistent with the White Australian Defence Policy
  • An immediate moratorium on all other immigration for the foreseeable future

Supportive Precepts Linked to Evidence